317-A - Amortization of amounts outstanding.

§  317-a.  Amortization  of  amounts  outstanding.    a.  On or before  September first, nineteen hundred eighty-nine on the basis of the annual  actuarial  valuation  and  appraisal  procedure  provided  for  in  this  article,  the  comptroller  shall determine the annual amounts that, had  this section not been enacted, would have been required to be paid  into  the  pension  accumulation fund and the New York state public employees'  group life  insurance  plan,  as  appropriate,  from  the  participating  employers   for   all  obligations  including  unpaid  amounts  for  the  retirement incentive program and payments for any other  benefit  funded  on  other  than  an  annual  basis  of  participating  employers  to the  retirement system not discharged prior to such date,  for  fiscal  years  ending  March  thirty-first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-eight  and March  thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-nine. Such amounts  shall  include  interest,  as  defined in section three hundred sixteen of this article,  through the fifteenth day of December, nineteen hundred eighty-nine. The  sum of such amounts shall be called the "amount to be amortized".    b. The  amount  to  be  amortized  shall  be  paid  into  the  pension  accumulation  fund  and  the New York state public employees' group life  insurance plan, as appropriate, according to a schedule of equal  annual  installments  during any years remaining in the amortization period. The  "amortization period" shall be seventeen years. The first payment  shall  be payable by December fifteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine.    c.  The  amount  of  the  annual  payment to be made in any subsequent  fiscal year shall be the amount that would be required to pay  in  full,  in  equal  annual  installments  over  the remainder of the amortization  period, any unpaid balance of the amount to be amortized and interest on  such unpaid balance computed at eight  and  three-quarters  percent  per  annum.    d.  An amount sufficient to provide for such payment shall be included  in the next annual budget for each participating employer.  The  amounts  due  shall  be  paid  on  December  fifteenth  of  each  year during the  amortization period.    e. The state comptroller is  directed  to  promulgate  regulations  to  permit the pre-payment of the amounts outstanding. Such regulation shall  provide that:    (1)  On or before November fifteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, in  addition to the amount due for the current  year  billing  and  for  the  payment  of  the  amortized  annual  installment,  the comptroller shall  furnish the total amount due and be authorized to accept pre-payment  in  full of said amount by December fifteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine.    (2)  On  or  before each November fifteenth thereafter, in addition to  the amount due for the current year billing and for the payment  of  the  annual  amortized  installment,  the comptroller shall furnish the total  amount still outstanding and be authorized to accept the pre-payment  of  any balance remaining to be paid by December fifteenth of that year.