296 - Continuation of certain tables and rates.

§  296.  Continuation  of  certain  tables  and  rates.    All tables,  schedules, rates (including but  not  limited  to  regular  and  special  deficiency  rates),  regular  and  special deficiency periods, and other  actuarial tables, rates  and  procedures  in  effect  and  used  by  the  employees'  retirement  system  for  or  in  connection  with any of its  activities or operations with respect to the membership of policemen and  firemen and persons who are members of such system pursuant to  sections  eighty-one  to eighty-eight, inclusive, shall continue to be used in the  same manner by the retirement system established by  this  article,  and  shall  remain  in  effect unless and until duly modified or rescinded by  the provisions of this article.