505 - Service retirement benefits; police/fire members.
§ 505. Service retirement benefits; police/fire members. a. The normal service retirement benefit for police/fire members at normal retirement age shall be a pension equal to fifty percent of final average salary, less fifty percent of the primary social security retirement benefit commencing at age sixty-two, as provided in section five hundred eleven. b. The early service retirement benefit for police/fire members shall be a pension equal to two and one-tenths percent of final average salary times years of credited service at the completion of twenty years of service or upon attainment of age sixty-two, increased by one-third of one percent of final average salary for each month of service in excess of twenty years, but not in excess of fifty percent of final average salary, less fifty percent of the primary social security retirement benefit commencing at age sixty-two as provided in section five hundred eleven. c. A police/fire member who retires with twenty-two years of credited service or less may become eligible for annual escalation of the service retirement benefit if he elects to have the payment of his benefit commence on the date he would have completed twenty-two years and one month or more of service. In such event, the service retirement benefit shall equal two percent of final average salary for each year of credited service, less fifty percent of the primary social security retirement benefit commencing at age sixty-two as provided in section five hundred eleven.