Article 6 - (220 - 244) RAPID TRANSIT ACT OF 1875
- 220 - Application for railroad; commissioners.
- 221 - Oath and bond of commissioners.
- 222 - First meeting of commissioners.
- 223 - Determination of necessity of railroad and route.
- 224 - Adoption of plans, and terms upon which road shall be built.
- 225 - Appraisal of damages and deposit of money as security.
- 226 - Shall prepare certificate of incorporation; proviso as to forfeiture.
- 227 - Organization.
- 228 - Commissioners to deliver certificate; affidavit of directors.
- 229 - Powers.
- 231 - Where route coincides with another route.
- 232 - Commissioners to transfer plans.
- 233 - Commissioners to file report; confirmation thereof.
- 234 - Pay of commissioners.
- 235 - Quorum; term of office; removal; vacancies in board of commissioners.
- 236 - Abandonment or change of route; new commissioners; their powers and proceedings.
- 237 - Abandonment of portion of route by elevated railroad.
- 238 - Increased deposit, when and how required.
- 239 - Trains to come to full stop.
- 240 - Gates or vestibule doors.
- 241 - Penalty for violation of two preceding sections.
- 242 - Sections to be printed and posted.
- 243 - Extension of time.
- 244 - Lighting cars on elevated railroads in cities of over twelve hundred thousand inhabitants.