574 - Information to be furnished by recording officers and assessors.

§   574.  Information  to  be  furnished  by  recording  officers  and  assessors.  1. On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the  county  recording  officer  or such other officer or agency as may be designated  by the county legislative body shall furnish to the  assessors  of  each  assessing  unit in the county, to the county equalization agency through  the office of the county director of real property tax services  and  to  the  state  board  a  report  showing all transfers during the preceding  calendar month of real property situated wholly or  partly  within  such  assessing unit.  Such report shall include transfers of real property or  interests  in  real  property to the state by appropriation. It shall be  the duty of the state at the time of filing a copy of a description  and  map  of property or interests therein being acquired by appropriation in  the office of the duly designated county recording officer,  to  deliver  to and leave with said recording officer a duplicate paper copy thereof.  The  said county recording officer or another duly designated officer or  agency shall include said duplicate copy of the description and map with  his said monthly report to the assessors. Such reports shall be made  in  a  form  and  manner  approved by the state board and shall contain such  information as the state board shall prescribe by  regulation  including  (a)  the  mailing address of the new owner; (b) the tax billing address,  if different from the owner; (c) the appropriate tax map designation, if  any; (d) a statement of the full sales  price  as  required  by  section  three  hundred  thirty-three  of  the real property law; (e) a statement  whether the parcel is in an agricultural district and, if so, whether  a  disclosure  notice  has  been provided pursuant to section three hundred  thirty-three-c of the real property law and section three hundred ten of  the agriculture and markets law; (f) a statement  whether  the  property  described  in  such deed is the entire parcel owned by the transferor or  transferors; (g) a statement that in the event the  parcel  conveyed  by  such  deed  is  a  portion  of  the  parcel  owned  by the transferor or  transferors, the city,  town  or  village  in  which  such  property  is  situated  has  a  planning  board  or  other entity empowered to approve  subdivisions; (h) a statement that in the event such parcel conveyed  by  such  deed  is  a  portion  of  the  parcel  owned  by the transferor or  transferors and the city, town or village  in  which  said  property  is  located has an entity that is empowered to approve subdivisions and: (i)  the  parcel  conveyed  by  such  deed is not subject to such subdivision  approval, and (ii) the parcel is subject to subdivision approval and has  been approved by the respective city, town or village planning board  or  other  entity  empowered  to  approve  subdivisions.  Where the assessor  receives a report of a transfer occurring after taxable status date  and  at  least  thirty-five days prior to the last date prescribed by law for  the annexation of the  warrant  to  the  assessment  roll,  including  a  warrant  for  the  collection  of  school district or village taxes, the  assessor shall notify the appropriate collecting officer no  later  than  the  thirtieth  day  preceding  such last date for such annexation. Such  notification shall be in any mutually agreeable format and shall include  the names of the new owners, mailing addresses,  tax  billing  addresses  and  tax  map  designations  contained in the transfer report. Where the  assessor  receives  a  report  of  a  transfer   occurring   after   the  thirty-fifth  day  preceding  such annexation, the assessor shall notify  the appropriate collecting  officer  within  ten  days  of  the  receipt  thereof; provided, however, that where the assessor receives such report  less  than five days prior to the expiration of the warrant or after the  expiration of the warrant of the  appropriate  collecting  officer,  the  assessor  shall  notify  the appropriate officer charged by law with the  enforcement of delinquent taxes.  Such  notification  shall  be  in  any  mutually agreeable format and shall include the names of the new owners,mailing  addresses,  tax  billing  addresses  and  tax  map designations  contained in the transfer report. The assessor shall also be  authorized  to  send  a  notice  of  increased  assessment  pursuant to section five  hundred  ten of this chapter to the new owner of real property appearing  on the transfer report. In the event that there are no such transfers in  an assessing unit, the report shall so indicate.  Such  reports  to  the  assessors  shall  be  in  the  number prescribed by the state board. The  state board may require, by regulation, that the report  may  be  copied  and sent to designated officers.    2.  Within fifteen days after receiving such reports, the assessors of  all  assessing  units  shall  transmit  notice  of  any errors contained  therein to the state board and  assessors  of  cities  and  towns  shall  transmit  notice  of  any  such errors to the county equalization agency  through the office of the county director of real property tax services.  The state board may require such other additional  information  relating  to  real  property  transfers as may be necessary for the performance of  its duties pursuant to this chapter.    3. The county recording officer, or such other officer  or  agency  as  the  board  of  supervisors may designate to carry out the provisions of  this section, shall not be required to furnish such reports of transfers  to the assessors of  any  city  where  such  reports  are  prepared  and  furnished to such city assessors by an officer or agency of the city.    * 5.  Forms or reports filed pursuant to this section or section three  hundred thirty-three of the real property law shall  be  made  available  for public inspection or copying in accordance with rules promulgated by  the state board.    * NB Effective until January 1, 2011    * 5.  Data collected pursuant to this section or section three hundred  thirty-three of the real property law shall be made available for public  inspection or copying in accordance with rules promulgated by the  state  board,  except that where the state board and the department of taxation  and finance have  developed  a  combined  process  for  collecting  data  pursuant to paragraph viii of subdivision one-e of section three hundred  thirty-three  of  the  real property law, any data so collected which is  not required to be furnished to the state board by  statute  or  by  the  state board's rules shall not be subject to inspection or copying.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011