508 - Information to be supplied to non-residents.

§  508. Information to be supplied to non-residents.  1. No later than  fifteen days prior to the date required by law for completion and filing  of the tentative assessment roll, any  person  or  corporation,  who  or  which  owns or has an interest in real property in a city or town and is  a non-resident thereof, may file with the clerk thereof a written demand  for a list of each parcel of real property assessed in his or its  name,  the  assessed  valuation of each such parcel and any separate assessment  thereof for special district or school district purposes  made  pursuant  to  subdivision two of section five hundred four of this chapter and the  time and place at which the board of assessment review will meet for the  purpose of hearing complaints relative thereto. No later than five  days  after  completion  and  filing  of  the  tenative  assessment  roll, the  assessors shall  mail  the  requested  information  to  such  person  or  corporation.  Failure  to  comply  with such demand shall not affect the  validity of the assessment.    2. Upon written application received by the assessor or the  board  of  assessment  review  on  or  before  the  date  on  which  such  board of  assessment review is required by law to meet for the purpose of  hearing  complaints  on  the  tentative  assessment  roll  by  a  person who is a  non-resident of a city or town or by a corporation owning real  property  in  more  than  one  city or town in the county, the board of assessment  review shall fix a time subsequent to the  day  it  will  meet  to  hear  complaints,  but  not  later  than  twenty-one days after that day for a  hearing to review the assessment of the real property of such person  or  corporation  in their city or town. The board of assessment review shall  send written notice to each applicant of the date, time and place of the  adjourned hearing at least ten days prior to the date of such  adjourned  hearing.