523-B - Assessment review commission.

§  523-b. Assessment review commission. 1. The county of Nassau acting  through its local legislative body is hereby authorized and empowered to  adopt  the  following  as  an  alternative  to  section   five   hundred  twenty-three of this title.    2.  (a)  There  shall be an assessment review commission to consist of  nine commissioners who  shall  be  appointed  by  the  county  executive  subject  to approval of the legislature, for a term of five years except  as specified in paragraph (c)  of  this  subdivision.  One  commissioner  shall  be designated chairman and shall serve for a term of three years.  Each commissioner shall have at least five years business experience  in  the  field  of  real estate or real estate law or experience in a public  agency or municipal department and shall attend such training courses as  shall be prescribed by the state board pursuant to section five  hundred  twenty-three  of this title. No more than six commissioners shall at any  one time be enrolled voters of the same political party.    (b) The members of the board of assessment review serving  immediately  prior  to  the  creation  of  the  assessment review commission shall be  appointed to initial terms as commissioners  of  the  assessment  review  commission.    (c)  The  terms  of the nine commissioners first appointed pursuant to  this section shall be two members for one  year,  two  members  for  two  years,  two members for three years, two members for four years, and one  member for five years.    (d) The assessment review commission shall be charged with the duty of  reviewing and correcting all assessments of real property made  pursuant  to the provisions of title one of this article.    (e)  The  compensation  for the commissioners of the assessment review  commission shall be determined and fixed  by  resolution  of  the  local  legislative body.    3.  (a) Every commissioner shall exercise such other powers and duties  as the chairman may from time to time assign to such  commissioner.  The  chairman  may, at his or her discretion, permit individual commissioners  to hear and determine complaints filed in accordance with this section.    (b) Such commission shall recommend to the local legislative body  any  necessary  regulations  of the commission, the rules of procedure of the  commission and rules for conduct of the commission not inconsistent with  the provisions of this chapter. The local legislative body  shall  adopt  any such rules and regulations as it deems necessary.    (c)  The  commission  shall  have  the power, within the limits of the  appropriation made by the local governing body, to  employ  or  contract  with  such  appraisers  and  other  employees as may be necessary in the  performance of the duties of the commission. However, any contract which  exceeds a term of one year or is for an amount in excess of  twenty-five  thousand  dollars  shall  be  subject  to  such  approval  as  the local  legislative body shall deem to be necessary. Similarly, no person,  firm  or  entity  shall  be  awarded  any  contracts  the  aggregate amount of  expenditures under which exceeds one hundred thousand dollars  over  any  one year period without such prior approval.    (d)  Commissioners  and  others  appointed  to  the  assessment review  commission shall be required to disclose on a  form  prescribed  by  the  state  board  any  direct or indirect interest in a property for which a  complaint has been filed.  Such  disclosure  shall  be  filed  with  the  chairman of the board of assessors of the taxing district for which they  serve,  on  or before the date when the commission submits the statement  of assessment changes pursuant to  subdivision  three  of  section  five  hundred  twenty-five  of  this  title.  Any  member  of a commission who  knowingly and intentionally fails to disclose  such  interest  shall  be  subject  to  a  civil  fine  of  two hundred fifty dollars for each suchomission with respect to property for which a complaint has been  filed.  The chairman of the board of assessors of the assessing unit may recover  in  the  name  of such assessing unit in a civil action commenced in any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction such civil penalty in addition to any  actual damages incurred by the assessing unit.  Any  recovery  shall  be  deposited  to  the  general  fund of the assessing unit. For purposes of  this subdivision, a member of the assessment review commission shall  be  deemed to have a direct or indirect interest in any property for which a  complaint  has  been filed when the member, spouse, or any of his or her  minor children:    (i) is the owner of such property; or    (ii) is an officer, director, partner or employee of an  entity  which  is an owner or lessee of such property; or    (iii)  is  an officer, director, partner or associate of a law firm or  real estate firm which has a financial interest with the owner or lessee  of such property; or    (iv) legally or beneficially owns or controls stock of  a  corporation  which  is  an  owner  or  lessee  of  such  property, provided, however,  ownership of stock shall not constitute an interest where such stock  is  listed  on  a  major  stock  exchange or is sold on the over the counter  market and the value thereof is less than ten thousand dollars.    4. The assessment review commission may appoint a secretary who  shall  perform  such confidential duties and such other duties as are necessary  to enable the assessment review commission to properly  and  efficiently  carry  out the provisions of this title. All appraisal support personnel  shall  have  a  minimum  of  three  years  of   professional   appraisal  experience. The compensation of the secretary and such appraisal support  personnel shall be fixed by the local legislative body.    5.  The  chairman,  a  commissioner or their representatives may, when  accompanied by  the  petitioner,  enter  upon  real  property  and  into  buildings  and structures upon notice by certified or registered mail to  the petitioner, after the filing of the  complaint  in  accordance  with  this  section,  to ascertain the character of the property. The chairman  or commissioner may designate persons to act on the commission's  behalf  for  the  purposes  of this subdivision. The willful failure, neglect or  refusal by the person whose real property is assessed,  or  his  or  her  agent  or  representative,  to  permit such entry upon real property and  into buildings and structures may, in the discretion of the  commission,  result  in the denial of the complaint filed with the commission thereby  denying administrative review and relief.    6. Application for correction of assessment for taxation.  (a)  During  the  period  from  January  second  through  March  first, any person or  corporation claiming to be aggrieved by the assessment  of  real  estate  may  apply  for correction of such assessment. Such application shall be  duly verified by a person having personal knowledge of the facts  stated  therein,  provided  that  if  the application is signed by someone other  than the person  or  an  officer  of  the  corporation  claiming  to  be  aggrieved,  the application must be accompanied by a duly executed power  of attorney or authorization or as otherwise prescribed by the rules and  regulations of the commission.    (b) The grounds for reviewing an assessment shall be as prescribed  in  subdivision two of section five hundred twenty-four of this title.    (c)  The  application  with respect to an assessment shall be on state  approved forms prescribed  by  the  commission,  and  shall  contain  an  estimate  of  the  value  of  the  property,  a statement specifying the  grounds for review, and the reduction in assessed valuation  or  taxable  assessed  valuation  or  change  in  class  designation or allocation of  assessed valuation sought. Any form prescribed by the  commission  shallbe  available  not less than ninety days prior to the publication of the  tentative assessment roll. The commission shall allow the correction  of  errors and omissions in otherwise duly completed applications, including  applications  made  on state prescribed or approved forms other than the  forms currently prescribed by the commission.    (d) The filing of a completed  application  in  the  manner  and  form  adopted  shall  be a prerequisite to the review by the commission and to  the review of a final determination of the  commission  as  provided  in  this  section.  Where  an application is determined to be defective, the  commission shall notify the applicant of such  defect  or  defects,  and  provide  him  or her with the opportunity to cure such defect or defects  within thirty-five days from the date of the mailing of the  notice.  If  the  defects  are not cured after the expiration of such thirty-five day  period, the defective application shall be dismissed by  the  commission  thereby denying administrative review and relief.    (e)  For  income  producing  real  property,  when  an  application is  submitted by an applicant for correction of assessment for taxation, all  income received or accrued and all expenses paid or incurred in the real  estate operation of the  property,  shall  be  submitted  and  filed  as  prescribed  by the rules of the commission. Such statements with respect  to income received or accrued and expenses paid  or  incurred  shall  be  provided  as a condition precedent to a review of the application. If no  such statement is provided with the application,  the  commission  shall  not  grant  a  hearing  or  make an adjustment to the assessment for any  years under review otherwise than in accordance with the  provisions  of  this  article.    The  failure  to  provide  such  statements may in the  discretion of the commission result in a dismissal  of  the  application  thereby denying administrative review and relief.    (f)  The commission may provide for electronic filing of applications.  An application shall be timely filed if on or before the date  specified  in  paragraph  (a)  of this subdivision it is delivered or mailed to the  office of the commission or transmitted by electronic means  adopted  by  the commission.    (g)  For  purposes of this section, the "applicant" shall be the owner  or other person aggrieved by the assessment. Whenever the commission  is  to provide a notice to the applicant it shall provide such notice to the  attorney  for  the  applicant if the applicant is represented by counsel  or, if not so represented, then to the applicant or an agent  designated  in  the  application.  The  commission  may,  with  the  consent  of the  applicant or the applicant's attorney or  agent,  transmit  notices  and  accept  responses  to  notices  by  electronic  means,  in  which  event  references in this section to mailing of notices or receiving  responses  to  notices  shall  be deemed to include transmission by such electronic  means.    (h) For purposes of this section, any application, notice or  response  made  by  mail  shall  be  deemed  made when mailed, as evidenced by the  postmark, and any application, notice or  response  made  by  electronic  means  adopted  by the commission shall be deemed made when transmitted.  The term "mail" shall include delivery by a designated delivery service,  as defined in this paragraph, and the term "postmark" shall include  any  date  recorded  or  marked  by  such  service in the manner described in  section seventy-five hundred two of the internal revenue code. The  term  "designated  delivery  service" shall mean a delivery service designated  by the secretary of the  treasury  of  the  United  States  pursuant  to  section  seventy-five  hundred two of the internal revenue code, subject  to any withdrawals and additions made pursuant to  subparagraph  (A)  of  paragraph two of subsection (a) of section six hundred ninety-one of the  tax law.7.  (a)  The  commission  shall  meet  throughout  the  year  and  may  reasonably compel the  attendance  of  witnesses,  administer  oaths  or  affirmations  and  examine applicants and other witnesses under oath. If  the person whose real property is assessed,  or  his  or  her  agent  or  representative,  shall  willfully  neglect or refuse to attend and be so  examined, or to answer any question put to him or her  relevant  to  the  application  or  assessment,  such  person  shall not be entitled to any  reduction of the assessment subject to the application. Minutes  of  the  examination of every person examined upon the hearing of any application  for  correction  shall  be  taken  and  filed  with  the commission. The  authorized representative of the board of assessors shall have the right  to be heard on any application for correction and  his  or  her  remarks  with  respect to any application for correction shall be recorded in the  minutes of the commission. All oral and written testimony taken  by  the  commission,  by  a  commissioner,  or  by  an employee of the commission  authorized to take testimony on applications shall  constitute  part  of  the record of the proceedings upon an assessment. The commission may act  on  applications  and  make  determinations  on assessments as a body or  through a commissioner or hearing officer authorized by the  commission.  As  used  in  this section, "commission" shall mean, as appropriate, the  assessment review  commission  or  a  commissioner  or  hearing  officer  authorized  by  the assessment review commission to act pursuant to this  section.    (b) The commission shall determine the  final  assessed  valuation  or  taxable  assessed  valuation,  or  the  actual  assessment or transition  assessment, or the proper class designation of the real property of each  applicant. The final assessed valuation or taxable assessed valuation of  real property may be the same as or less than  the  original  assessment  or,  if  determined  to  be unlawful, the same shall be ordered stricken  from the roll or where appropriate entered on the exempt portion of  the  roll.  If  it is determined that the real property is misclassified, the  correct class designation or allocation of assessed valuation  shall  be  entered on the roll by the board of assessors.    * 8.  The  final determination of the commission upon applications for  the correction of an assessment already  heard  shall  be  rendered  not  later  than  the  tenth  day  of March in the year following the year in  which the tentative assessment roll is published, or such later date  as  may  be  permitted  by  the  board of assessors, in order that the final  assessment roll may be prepared for publication on  the  first  business  day  in  April;  provided,  however, that the commission may continue to  take testimony and render determinations on applications  subsequent  to  March tenth. The board of assessors, upon receipt of such determination,  shall correct its assessment rolls. The receiver of taxes of any town in  which  the  property  is  situated  shall  issue  corrected tax bills in  accordance with such determination within thirty days after entry  of  a  final determination by the commission.    * NB Effective until December 31, 2012    * 8.  The  final determination of the commission upon applications for  the correction of an assessment already  heard  shall  be  rendered  not  later  than  the  tenth  day of March in the year in which the tentative  assessment roll is published, or such later date as may be permitted  by  the  board  of assessors, in order that the final assessment roll may be  prepared for publication on the first business day in  April;  provided,  however,  that  the commission may continue to take testimony and render  determinations on applications subsequent to March tenth. The  board  of  assessors,  upon  receipt  of  such  determination,  shall  correct  its  assessment rolls. The receiver  of  taxes  of  any  town  in  which  the  property  is situated shall issue corrected tax bills in accordance withsuch  determination  within  thirty  days  after  entry   of   a   final  determination by the commission.    * NB Effective December 31, 2012    9.  Pursuant  to subdivision eight of this section, the commission may  determine the issues relating to the grievance and resolve  the  current  and  the  immediately  previous  two  tax years' outstanding assessments  challenges  in  accordance  with  this  article  and  may   enter   into  stipulations  and,  where  necessary,  judgments with notice of entry in  settlement of such challenges. If the tax  shall  have  been  paid,  the  county  treasurer  is  authorized  to  refund  any excess tax paid, with  interest thereon. A determination of the commission shall have the  same  effect  as an order of a court of competent jurisdiction for purposes of  any act authorizing the issuance of debt instruments for  the  financing  of tax refunds.    10.  On  or before April first, each year the commission shall mail to  each applicant, who has filed an application for the correction  of  the  assessment,   a   notice  of  the  commission's  determination  of  such  applicant's assessment. Such notice shall also contain the statement  as  to  the  final  determination  of the assessment review commission, or a  statement that the commission has not yet made a determination as to the  final assessed valuation which shall be made as soon as the  petitioners  application  is  reviewed  or  heard.  If  the  applicants property is a  property defined in subdivision one of section eighteen hundred  two  of  this  chapter  as "Class 1", the commissions determination shall contain  the statement: "If you are dissatisfied with the  determination  of  the  Assessment  Review  Commission  and  you  are the owner of a one, two or  three family residential structure or residential real property not more  than three stories in height held  in  condominium  form  of  ownership,  provided  that  no dwelling unit therein previously was on an assessment  roll as a dwelling unit in other than condominium form of ownership, and  you reside at such residence, you  may  seek  judicial  review  of  your  assessment  either under title one of article seven of the real property  tax law or under small claims assessment review law  provided  by  title  one-A  of article seven of the real property tax law." Such notice shall  also state that the last date to file petitions for judicial review  and  the  location  where  small  claims  assessment  review petitions may be  obtained.    Each applicant that has filed an application of a property as  defined  in  subdivision  one  of section eighteen hundred two of this chapter as  "Class 2", "Class 3" or "Class 4", shall receive  a  notice  as  to  the  final  determination  of the assessment review commission or a statement  that the commission has not yet made a determination  as  to  the  final  assessed  valuation  which  shall  be  made  as  soon as the petitioners  application is reviewed or heard. Such applicants  determinations  shall  contain  the  statement: "If you are dissatisfied with the determination  of the Assessment Review Commission you may seek judicial review of your  assessment under title one of article seven of  the  real  property  tax  law."  Such  notice shall also state the last date to file petitions for  judicial review. A final determination when rendered shall  contain  the  same  statement.  Failure  to  mail  any  such  notice or failure of the  applicant to receive the same shall  not  affect  the  validity  of  the  assessment.    11.  A  proceeding  to  review  or  correct  on  the  merits any final  determination of the assessment review commission may be had as provided  by  law,  and  if  brought  to  review  a  determination  mentioned   in  subdivision  seven  of  this  section must be commenced on or before the  last business day of April after final  completion  and  filing  of  the  assessment  roll  containing such assessment, as provided in appropriateprovisions of this chapter or within thirty days after notice of a final  determination has been made and sent to the applicant.    12.  If  any  part  or  provision  of  this section or the application  thereof to any person, entity or circumstance shall be adjudged  invalid  by  any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined  in its operation to that part, provision or application of this  section  directly  involved  in  the  controversy  for  which  such  judgment was  rendered and shall not be deemed to affect or impair the validity of the  remainder of this section to the application thereof to  other  persons,  entities or circumstances.