489-K - Unadjusted local reproduction cost and local reproduction cost.

§  489-k.  Unadjusted  local  reproduction cost and local reproduction  cost.    1.  The  state  board  shall  determine  the  unadjusted  local  reproduction  cost  for  each railroad company in each assessing unit as  follows:    (a) Ascertain in each assessing unit the cost of reproduction new less  depreciation of the railroad real property other than land;    (b) Ascertain in each assessing unit the value of the land portion  of  railroad  real  property  and  the value of rights in land in, above and  under any public street,  highway  or  parkway  used  by  such  railroad  company;    (c)  Add  the  amounts  ascertained  under  (a) and (b) above for each  assessing unit. The result shall be the  unadjusted  local  reproduction  cost.    2.  The  state  board  shall determine the local reproduction cost for  each railroad company in each assessing unit as follows:    (a) Compute the ratio of the  total  amount  included  in  the  system  reproduction  cost  of  such railroad company on account of the property  included in the unadjusted local reproduction costs  for  all  assessing  units  to  the  aggregate of the unadjusted local reproduction costs for  all assessing units for such railroad company;    (b) Multiply the unadjusted local reproduction cost for each assessing  unit by the ratio computed in (a) above. The result shall be  the  local  reproduction cost.    3.  In making determinations under this section, the state board shall  classify  the  real  property  of  each  railroad  company  as   between  transportation or non-transportation so far as may be practicable.    4.  In  ascertaining  depreciation  of  property  under  this section,  consideration may be given to physical condition, average service  lives  of  groups  of  property  and  other  factors, which, however, shall not  include earnings.    5. As used in this section, the term "value of land" means  the  value  of  similar  land in the immediate vicinity used for other than railroad  transportation purposes and the term "value of rights in land in,  above  and  under  any public street, highway or parkway" means ten per cent of  the value of land in the immediate vicinity used for other than railroad  transportation purposes.    6. The determinations made under this section shall reflect so far  as  may   be   practicable  the  status  of  the  property  as  of  December  thirty-first of the preceding year.    7. In making determinations under this section, the state board  shall  consider  the  information  contained in accounts maintained pursuant to  the uniform system of accounts for railroad companies prescribed by  the  interstate commerce commission and in the publication entitled "Elements  of  Value or Property Used in Common Carrier Service" then most recently  issued or made available by the bureau of  accounts,  cost  finding  and  valuation  of the interstate commerce commission. The board may consider  information available from the commissioner of transportation  and  from  other  sources,  including  reports  required  pursuant  to section four  hundred eighty-nine-q, and such other information on the subject as  may  be available to it.