312 - Minimum qualification standards for assessors, appraisal personnel and candidates eligible for certification as assessor.

§  312.  Minimum  qualification  standards  for  assessors,  appraisal  personnel and candidates eligible for  certification  as  assessor.  The  state board shall establish for counties, cities and towns to which this  title  applies  minimum  qualification standards (a) for appointments to  the positions of (i) assessor, except assessors of local governments not  subject to the provisions of section three hundred ten  of  this  title,  and  (ii)  other  administrative positions having professional appraisal  duties relating to the assessment  of  real  property  for  purposes  of  taxation,  and  (b)  for  applicants  for  certification  as  candidates  eligible  for  the  position  of  assessor,  other  than  assessors   or  assessors-elect,  pursuant  to  subdivision ten of section three hundred  ten of this title. Such standards  shall  be  set  forth  in  rules  and  regulations promulgated by the state board.