307 - Standards of assessment in certain assessing units.

* § 307.  Standards of assessment in certain assessing units. 1. Every  assessing unit which by local law, ordinance,  resolution  or  executive  order  provides for the physical revaluation of all of the real property  within its boundaries, or where a county provides for  such  a  physical  revaluation  on  behalf of such assessing unit, and is implementing such  local law, ordinance, resolution or executive order with all  deliberate  speed,  shall  not be required to comply with the standard of assessment  set forth in section three hundred six of this chapter  through  October  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-one,  provided,  however, that any  assessing unit which is presently or becomes subject to  a  court  order  requiring  compliance  with  the  standard  of  assessment  set forth in  section three hundred six of this  chapter  shall  not  be  required  to  initiate  such  a  physical  revaluation  until after October thirtieth,  nineteen hundred  eighty-one,  nor  shall  any  county  be  required  to  initiate  such  a  physical revaluation on behalf of such assessing unit  until after such date.    2. Real property in each assessing unit where  section  three  hundred  six  of  this  chapter  does  not  apply  by virtue of the provisions of  subdivision one of this section shall be assessed at not more  than  the  full value thereof.    3.  Where  the respondent in a tax review proceeding which is based in  whole or in part on a claim of inequality is  an  assessing  unit  whose  standard  of assessment is set forth in subdivision two of this section,  the petition required by section seven hundred six of this chapter shall  allege, in addition to the contents otherwise required by such  section,  that  the  assessment  has been made at a higher proportionate valuation  than the assessment of other taxable real property  of  the  same  major  type,  as  determined  by the state board of equalization and assessment  pursuant to section twelve hundred of this chapter, and evidence to such  effect  may  be  introduced  together  with  such   evidence   otherwise  admissible  under  subdivision  three of section seven hundred twenty of  this chapter.    4. In any proceeding to review an assessment commenced  prior  to  the  effective  date of this section and pending on such date, the petitioner  may amend his petition for the purpose of conforming  such  petition  to  the provisions of this section.    5.  The  provisions  of  this  section  shall  apply  to  all  pending  proceedings or proceedings hereafter commenced.    * NB Expired October 30, 1981