1204 - Tentative state equalization rates, class ratios and class equalization rates; notice thereof.
§ 1204. Tentative state equalization rates, class ratios and class equalization rates; notice thereof. 1. Upon completion of its inquiry, investigation and studies with respect to the establishment of an equalization rate for a city, town or village and in the case of special assessing units, class ratios and class equalization rates, the state board shall determine a tentative equalization rate for such city, town or village, class ratios for special assessing units and class equalization rates for special assessing units and approved assessing units and eligible non-assessing unit villages which have adopted the provisions of section nineteen hundred three of this chapter and each portion therein. A tentative equalization rate, class ratios and class equalization rates, may be determined prior to final completion of an assessment roll. 2. After determining the tentative equalization rate, class ratios and class equalization rates, if required for any city, town, village, special assessing unit, or approved assessing unit or eligible non-assessing unit village which has adopted the provisions of section nineteen hundred three of this chapter, the state board shall give notice in writing to the chief executive officer of such city, town, village, special assessing unit, or approved assessing unit or eligible non-assessing unit village which has adopted the provisions of section nineteen hundred three of this chapter stating that such determination has been made, setting forth the tentative equalization rate, class ratios and class equalization rates, if required, identifying the assessment roll for which they were established and specifying the time and place where the state board or a duly authorized representative thereof will meet to hear any complaint concerning such equalization rate, class ratios and class equalization rates, if required. Such notice must be served at least twenty days before the day specified for the hearing.