333-B - Recording of maps or plot plans.
§ 333-b. Recording of maps or plot plans. 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, a map or plot plan showing property boundaries and data not relating to subdivisions and the filing thereof may be recorded in the same manner as a deed, if the map or plot plan is attached to the conveying instrument. A map or plot plan recorded pursuant to this section shall clearly delineate and locate by dimensions the parcel or interest conveyed in such manner that such parcel or interest can be located on the premises affected. Such map or plot plan may appear on one or more pages as needed, shall be drawn on legal size paper and shall have lettering thereon no smaller than elite type, and all lines shall be legible and of sufficient size for easy reading after photocopying or microfilming. The recording officer may reject or refuse to record any map or plot plan that is unclear, crowded and not suitable for photocopying. 2. If the property is situated in a county maintaining a tax map department, it shall be the duty of the person, corporation or agent who offers such map or plot plan for recording to deliver to and leave with the recording officer a duplicate copy of the map or plot plan. Such duplicate copy shall be transmitted to the tax map department on or before the fifteenth day of each month by the recording officer or by such other officer or agency as may be designated by the county legislative body.