298 - Acknowledgments and proofs within the state.

§   298.   Acknowledgments   and   proofs  within  the  state.     The  acknowledgment or proof, within this state,  of  a  conveyance  of  real  property  situate  in this state may be made: 1. At any place within the  state, before (a) a justice  of  the  supreme  court;  (b)  an  official  examiner of title; (c) an official referee; or (d) a notary public.    2.  Within  the district wherein such officer is authorized to perform  official duties, before (a) a judge or clerk of any court of record; (b)  a commissioner  of  deeds  outside  of  the  city  of  New  York,  or  a  commissioner  of  deeds of the city of New York within the five counties  comprising the city of New York; (c) the mayor or recorder  of  a  city;  (d)  a surrogate, special surrogate, or special county judge; or (e) the  county clerk or other recording officer of a county.    3. Before a justice of the  peace,  town  councilman,  village  police  justice or a judge of any court of inferior local jurisdiction, anywhere  within  the  county  containing the town, village or city in which he is  authorized to perform official duties.