444-C - State home inspection council.

§ 444-c. State home inspection council. 1. There is hereby established  a state home inspection council within the department. The council shall  consist  of the secretary or the secretary's designee and six additional  members who are residents of the state, of whom three shall  be  persons  licensed  and actively engaged in the business of home inspection in the  state of New York for at least five years  immediately  preceding  their  appointment  and three of whom shall be consumers who are the owners and  principal residents of a residential building in the state of New  York.  Appointments shall reflect the geographical diversity of the state.    2.  For a period of one year after the effective date of this section,  and  notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  of  this  section  to  the  contrary,  the  first  three home inspectors appointed as members of the  committee shall not be required, at the time of their first appointment,  to be licensed to practice home inspection, provided that  such  members  be licensed pursuant to this article within one year of appointment.    3. The governor shall appoint each member of the council for a term of  three  years except that of the members first appointed, two shall serve  for terms of three years, two shall serve for terms of two years and two  shall serve for a term of one year. The governor shall appoint one  home  inspector  and  one  consumer  solely in his or her discretion, one home  inspector and one consumer upon  the  recommendation  of  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate, and one home inspector and one consumer upon  the recommendation of the speaker of the  assembly.  Each  member  shall  hold  office  until his or her successor has been qualified. Any vacancy  in the membership of the council shall be filled for the unexpired  term  in  the  manner  provided for the original appointment. No member of the  council may serve more than two successive  terms  in  addition  to  any  unexpired term to which he or she has been appointed.    4.  Members  of the council shall receive no compensation but shall be  reimbursed for their actual and necessary  expenses  and  provided  with  office  and  meeting  facilities  and  personnel required for the proper  conduct of the council's business.    5. The council shall annually elect from among its members a chair and  vice-chair and may appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of  the  council.  The  council  shall  meet  at  least twice a year and may hold  additional meetings as necessary to discharge its duties.    6. The role of the council shall be advisory. The council shall advise  the secretary in the administration and enforcement of the provisions of  this article and recommend to the secretary regulations to implement the  provisions of this article including but not limited to:    (a) standards for training including approval of the course  of  study  and examination required for licensure of home inspectors;    (b)  requirements  and  standards  for  continuing  education  of home  inspectors;    (c) a code of ethics and  standards  of  practice  for  licensed  home  inspectors  consistent  with  the  provisions  of this article and sound  ethical practices which code and standards shall be  subject  to  public  notice  and  comment prior to a council recommendation to the secretary.  The standards of practice shall not require a reporting format or  limit  information  which licensees are authorized to provide a client pursuant  to this article; and    (d) development of information and educational  materials  about  home  inspection for distribution to clients.    Nothing  in  this section shall be deemed to supersede any established  authority, duty and  power  established  by  local  law,  state  law  or  regulation or otherwise granted to any agency, body or entity.