188 - Time, place and notice of corporate meetings.

§  188.  Time,  place  and  notice  of  corporate meetings. The annual  corporate meeting of every incorporated church or society to which  this  article  is  applicable shall be held at the time and place fixed by its  by-laws. A special corporate meeting of any such church or  society  may  be called by the board of trustees thereof, on its own motion, and shall  be  called  on  the  written request of at least ten qualified voters of  such church or society. The trustees shall cause written notice  of  the  time  and  place  of  any  corporate  meeting, therein specifying, if an  annual meeting, the names of any trustees whose  successors  are  to  be  elected  thereat,  and, if a special meeting, specifying the business to  be transacted thereat, to be served, either personally or by mail,  upon  each  qualified  voter  of the church or society entitled to vote at the  meeting, not less than ten nor more than forty days before the  meeting.  If mailed, the notice shall be directed to each qualified voter entitled  to  notice  at  his address as it appears on the books or records of the  church or society.