11 - Correction and confirmation of conveyances to religious corporations.

§   11.  Correction  and  confirmation  of  conveyances  to  religious  corporations.   If,  in  a  conveyance  of  real  property,  or  in  any  instrument  intended to operate as such, heretofore or hereafter made to  a religious corporation, its corporate name is  not  stated  or  is  not  correctly  stated,  but  such  conveyance  or  instrument  indicates the  intention of the  grantor  therein  to  convey  such  property  to  such  corporation,  and  such  corporation  has  entered  into  possession and  occupation of such property, any officer of the  corporation  authorized  so  to do by its trustees may record in the office where such conveyance  or instrument is recorded a statement, signed and acknowledged by him or  proved, setting forth the date of such  conveyance  or  instrument,  the  date  of  record  and the number and page of the book of record thereof,  the name of the grantor, a  description  of  the  property  conveyed  or  intended  to  be  conveyed, the name of the grantee as expressed in such  conveyance or instrument, the correct name of such corporation, the fact  of authorization by the trustees of the corporation, to make and  record  such  statement,  and  that the grantor in such conveyance or instrument  intended thereby to convey such property to such corporation as the said  officer verily believes, with the reason for such belief. Such statement  so signed and acknowledged or proved shall be recorded with the  records  of deeds in such office, and indexed as a deed from the grantee as named  in  such  instrument  or  in  such  conveyance  to such corporation. The  register or clerk, as the case may be, shall note the recording of  such  statement  on  the  margin of the record of such conveyance, and for his  services shall be entitled to receive the  fees  allowed  for  recording  deeds.  Such  statement  so  recorded shall be presumptive evidence that  such matters therein stated are true, and that such corporation was  the  grantee  in  the  original  instrument  or  conveyance.  All conveyances  heretofore made, or  by  any  instrument  intended  to  be  made,  to  a  religious  corporation  of real property appropriated to the use of such  corporation, or entitled to be so appropriated, are hereby confirmed and  declared valid and effectual, notwithstanding any defect in the form  of  the conveyance or the description of the grantee therein.