100 - Construction of chapter.

§  100.  Construction  of  chapter.    a.  This  chapter  shall not be  construed to repeal or in any manner affect article six of the  railroad  law,  except  so far as such article would, if this chapter had not been  passed, authorize the appointment hereafter of any commissioners applied  for as provided in section two hundred twenty of such law in any city or  authorize any commissioners already appointed pursuant to  such  section  in  any  such city to fix, determine or locate any new route pursuant to  the provisions of such article of the railroad law.    b. This chapter shall not repeal or in any manner affect the  railroad  law,  except  as  expressly provided, or except so far as the provisions  thereof conflict with the provisions of this  chapter.  But  nothing  in  this section shall prevent the board of transportation from laying out a  route for a railroad and constructing and operating a railroad, and such  board  shall  have  the  right  to  lay out such route and construct and  operate such railroad over, under, along or across any street in, along,  under or over which there shall be any existing railroad, provided  that  the  routes  so laid out by the board and the railroad so constructed by  it shall so pass over or under or at the side of such existing  railroad  as not to interfere with its operation.    c.  This  chapter  shall  not be construed in any manner to affect the  exercise or enjoyment at any time of any right  acquired,  exercised  or  enjoyed  before  the  thirty-first  day  of  January,  eighteen  hundred  ninety-one by any corporation duly  incorporated  and  organized  before  such date or deriving powers and rights under the laws of this state.    d.  This  chapter shall not affect or impair the exercise or enjoyment  of any right or rights possessed before the thirty-first day of January,  eighteen hundred ninety-one or acquired or authorized  to  be  acquired,  exercise  or  enjoyed  by any street surface railroad corporation before  such date, except as herein otherwise expressly provided.