37 - Municipal operation; revenue and accounts; operating and other funds.

§  37.  Municipal operation; revenue and accounts; operating and other  funds.  a. The aggregate amount of the gross receipts of moneys  derived  directly  or  indirectly from or in connection with the operation by the  city of any road shall be known as the  revenue  thereof.  Such  revenue  shall  be  derived from fares to be charged persons riding thereon; from  rates to be charged for carrying property thereon; from rentals or  fees  to  be  charged  for  concessions  or  privileges  thereon in connection  therewith; from the sale of surplus power, and any other  receipts  from  whatever source derived.    b.  The  board of transportation shall establish and maintain a system  of accounts to show at all times the cost  of  the  several  classes  of  property  used  in  operation  and  the  sources  of  funds  used in the  acquisition of such property; the several classes of  operating  revenue  and   other   income;   maintenance  expenses;  interest,  amortization,  depreciation and all other charges against earnings. Such accounts shall  be kept in accordance with the uniform system of accounts prescribed for  railroads by the public service commission  or  other  duly  constituted  authority and published in the City Record.    c.  The  revenue  derived  from all sources of income of any such road  shall be deposited daily by the board in the name of the city  in  banks  to  be  designated  by  the  board  of  transportation and shall be held  separate and apart from all other funds of the  city  as  the  operating  fund for the payment therefrom of the expenses of operation, maintenance  and  repairs,  and  depreciation,  interest and amortization charges. An  accurate report of all moneys  received  shall  be  made  daily  to  the  comptroller of the city, who shall have power and whose duty it shall be  to  audit  currently  all  the financial details of municipal operation,  which audit shall not preclude examination of such account by any  other  properly constituted authority. An itemized report of the result of such  municipal   operation  shall  be  filed  each  month  by  the  board  of  transportation with the mayor and the board of estimate.    d. From the operating fund thus derived there shall  be  deducted  the  following  charges  in the order named and a separate accounting be made  of each:    1.  Operating  expenses,  exclusive  of  maintenance,  including   all  expenses for personal service, materials and supplies used in operation.    2.  Expense  of  maintenance  and repairs of structures and equipment,  which shall be the actual cost of keeping the structures  and  equipment  in  thoroughly  good order and repair, and shall include the replacement  of parts of construction and parts of equipment  units,  but  shall  not  include the renewal or replacement of any complete units of property, as  such  units  are defined and specified from time to time by the board of  transportation for renewal or replacement from the capital reserve fund.    3. The amount of  interest  actually  payable  by  the  city  and  the  proportionate  annual  contributions  to  sinking fund or other funds to  amortize and retire the bonds, corporate  stock  or  other  evidence  of  indebtedness issued by the city on account of any road.    4.  Contributions to a depreciation fund for replacement or renewal of  worn-out, obsolete or inadequate units of structures  or  equipment,  of  the  amount the board of transportation shall determine is the estimated  net loss of value, after maintenance has been applied, of such  complete  units  of property, with due provision for obsolescence or inadequacy of  such units.    e. The deduction for expenses of operation and  maintenance  shall  be  made  currently  as  required,  and  the  deductions  for  depreciation,  interest and amortization installments shall be made after the close  of  operations  each month and shall be the monthly proportion of the annual  amount required for such purposes.f. In addition to the  principal  operating  fund  in  which  all  the  revenue shall be deposited as above provided, there shall be established  and  maintained  in  the  custody of the comptroller a separate fund and  bank account, to be designated as the capital  reserve  fund,  to  which  shall  actually  be  transferred  the  amounts  deducted from revenue on  account of interest,  amortization  and  depreciation.  Any  surplus  or  balance  which  shall  accrue  from the revenue at the end of the fiscal  year, in excess of an amount equal to the average cost of operation  and  maintenance  for  one  month during such fiscal year, shall also be paid  into such capital  reserve  fund.  Such  fund  shall  be  available  for  disbursement  in the same manner as the principal operating fund for the  following purposes in the order specified:    1. Interest payable by the city on account of bonds or other evidences  of indebtedness issued, and contributions to sinking  funds  established  for the retirement thereof;    2.  Amounts  necessary  for  renewals  or  replacements  on account of  depreciation and obsolescence.  Any surplus accruing in the capital reserve  fund  over  and  above  the  amounts  disbursed  for the purposes specified shall be retained in such  fund and may be expended only for the support, installation or extension  of such transportation facilities. All interest earnings  of  such  fund  shall  be added to the fund. The comptroller shall make all payments out  of the capital reserve fund, and shall report quarterly to the board  of  estimate  the  condition  of the fund, itemized as to the amount on hand  for interest, amortization of bonds or other evidences of  indebtedness,  depreciation  and  surplus,  and  shall  keep the account of the fund so  subdivided.   g. Payments or withdrawals of moneys from the operating  fund  and  the  capital  reserve  fund  shall  be made by checks drawn and signed by the  comptroller upon vouchers certified by a member or  an  officer  of  the  board  of  transportation,  duly authorized by resolution of such board,  except that payments of interest, contributions to sinking funds and  on  account  of retirement of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall  be made by the comptroller upon his  own  initiative  as  such  payments  become  due  and  payable,  but  a  memorandum of such payments shall be  transmitted by the comptroller to the board of transportation for  entry  in  the accounts thereof. The comptroller from time to time shall inform  the  board  of  transportation  in  writing  as  to  the  amount  to  be  periodically   deducted   from   revenue  on  account  of  interest  and  amortization requirements, and the monthly charges and vouchers for such  amounts shall be made in accordance with such devices.