35 - Vehicular tunnels and other means of transportation.

§  35.  Vehicular  tunnels  and  other  means  of transportation.   a.  Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary  contained  in  any  city  charter,  administrative  code, or in any general, special or local law,  the board of transportation may act as the agent of any  such  city,  at  the  request of the mayor thereof, to prepare and submit to such mayor a  plan for the building and construction of a tunnel under any  stream  or  waterway  within or adjoining the limits of such city and the approaches  thereto, or a  vehicular  tunnel  or  two  or  more  vehicular  tunnels,  together  with  the  necessary  approaches  thereto, between the several  boroughs of the city of New York, or between  two  points  in  the  same  borough, and as such agent of such city, with like request and approval,  may  proceed with the construction and equipment or enter into contracts  for the construction and equipment of such part or section of  any  such  tunnel as such mayor shall require. The advertising and award of any and  all  contracts entered into pursuant to this section shall be subject to  the provisions of section seventeen of this chapter. The city, from time  to time, on requisition duly made by the board  of  transportation,  may  appropriate such sums of money as it may deem requisite and necessary to  enable  the board of transportation to prepare such plans or to carry on  such construction and  equipment.  Such  sums  shall  be  paid  out  and  expended  for  such  purposes  upon  vouchers certified by such board of  transportation. If bonds are issued for such purposes, they may be  made  payable  at maturity out of a sinking fund to be established and created  out of the rates and charges fixed by the board of estimate for the  use  of  any  such  tunnel  by  pedestrians and vehicles. Upon the completion  thereof the commissioner of public works or other like officer  of  such  city  shall  have cognizance and control of the management, maintenance,  operation and repair of every such tunnel and the approaches thereto.    b. The board of transportation, with like request and approval of  the  mayor,  may  conduct  such  hearings  and investigations with respect to  streets, tunnels or other ways, railroads, ferries or other  methods  or  means for the transportation of passengers or property within the limits  of  any  such  city  as  such  mayor shall require, and make reports and  recommendations with respect  thereto,  from  time  to  time,  as  shall  likewise be required.