33 - Acquisition of railroads or interests therein.

§  33.  Acquisition of railroads or interests therein. a. The board of  transportation, with the approval of  the  board  of  estimate  and  the  mayor, may purchase, or acquire an option to purchase from time to time,  for such price and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon,  and acquire by conveyance or grant to such city, to be delivered to such  board  of transportation, any line of railroad, or part of any such line  and/or equipment therefor already constructed or provided or in  process  of   construction   or  provision,  of  the  character  which  might  be  constructed or  provided  as  a  railroad  and/or  equipment  under  the  provisions  of  this  chapter,  and which in the opinion of the board of  transportation it is for the interest of the  public  and  the  city  to  acquire  for  rapid  transit  purposes.  The  payment  for  such line of  railroad, or a part thereof, and equipment may be made out of funds made  available pursuant to the local finance law, or by  the  application  of  revenues  derived  from  the  operation  of  any  such  line alone or in  conjunction with other railroads owned by such city, or the payment  may  be made partly by one method and partly by the other method as the board  of  transportation,  with  the approval of the board of estimate and the  mayor, shall determine. The moneys necessary to be  paid  for  any  such  railroad and equipment purchased, together with all expenses necessarily  incurred in connection therewith shall be raised through the application  of revenues from operation as above provided or shall be raised pursuant  to  the  local  finance  law.  The  method of payment for the line to be  purchased shall be  described  and  specified  in  a  form  of  proposed  contract  for purchase and sale which shall be submitted for approval to  the board of estimate and the mayor by the board of transportation.  The  form  of  proposed contract may incorporate such terms and conditions as  provide for a deferred payment of the agreed purchase  price.  Any  such  railroad or equipment acquired in accordance with the provisions of this  section,  and any railroad acquired in accordance with the provisions of  article eight of this chapter or former  article  seven  of  the  public  service law, shall be deemed to have been constructed or provided for at  the  expense of the city within the meaning of this chapter and the cost  of acquisition thereof shall be deemed and considered  as  the  cost  of  such  construction  or provision, in like manner as though such railroad  or equipment had been constructed or provided pursuant to the provisions  of this chapter.    b. Unless all the consents to the construction and  operation  of  any  such railroad so purchased required by article three, section seventeen,  of the constitution shall have been obtained prior to such purchase, the  board  of  transportation  shall  proceed  to  secure  such  consents as  required by section twenty-one of this chapter. As soon as such consents  shall have been obtained, the board of transportation for and on  behalf  of  the  city, with the approval of the board of estimate and the mayor,  may enter into a contract with any person for the equipment, in whole or  in part, at the cost and expense of such person, and for the maintenance  and operation of any such railroad so  purchased,  either  alone  or  in  conjunction with other railroads then owned or thereafter constructed or  acquired  by  such  city,  for  a  term  of years to be specified in the  contract, not to exceed twenty-five years.  Such contract may contain  a  covenant  for one renewal of not to exceed twenty-five years, unless the  purchase price or some part thereof is to be paid out of the revenues as  provided in subdivision a of this section, in which event such  contract  may  be for a longer period than twenty-five years but shall provide for  its termination by such city, at its option, on one year's notice  given  at  any  time  or  after  the  expiration  of  any  specified period not  exceeding ten years, upon the payment by or for such city of the  amount  of  any  balance  of  such  purchase price then remaining unpaid and theunamortized portion of the cost and expense of any equipment constructed  or provided at the cost of such person after the date of such  contract.  Any such contract providing for the payment of the purchase price of any  such  railroad  or equipment wholly or in part out of the revenues shall  provide for  the  application  of  revenues  derived  from  the  use  or  operation of the railroads included therein and the order of priority of  such  application.  Such  contract  shall provide for the payment out of  such revenues of current annual  interest  charges  at  a  rate  of  not  exceeding  six  per  cent  per  annum,  and  current annual amortization  charges at a rate to be specified, on the amount of the balance  of  the  purchase  price  remaining  unpaid,  of  such  railroad  or equipment so  purchased by such city,  and  on  the  actual  cost  of  any  equipment,  constructed  or provided by such person after the date of such contract.  Every such contract shall contain such terms and conditions  as  to  the  rates  of  fares  to  be  charged  and  the  character of services to be  furnished and the rental to be  paid,  or  the  terms  upon  which  such  railroads  are to be operated, as the board of transportation shall deem  to be best suited to the public interests and as the board  of  estimate  and  the  mayor  shall approve. Any domestic railroad corporation owning  any line of railroad which the city is authorized  by  this  section  to  purchase  and acquire as above provided, with the consent of the holders  of record of at least two-thirds of its outstanding  shares  of  capital  stock entitled to vote thereon, given as provided in section one hundred  forty-eight  of  the  railroad law, may transfer and convey to such city  such railroad and equipment or any part thereof,  and  the  devices  and  appurtenances  and  franchises  thereof or used in connection therewith,  subject, however, to the rights  of  appraisal  of  the  shares  of  any  dissenting  stockholder  as provided in section one hundred sixty-one of  the railroad law.    c. If a contract has been made for equipment, in  whole  or  in  part,  maintenance and operation of a railroad constructed or to be constructed  by  the  city  and  owned  by  the  city  upon any route established and  consented to as provided in this chapter, which  contract  provides  for  construction by the city and equipment, maintenance and operation by the  contractor  of  branches  and extensions of such railroad and additional  lines also to be owned by the city upon terms and conditions as provided  in such contract, the board of transportation in lieu of constructing  a  branch  or extension or an additional line with the consent of the board  of estimate and of the mayor may acquire by conveyance or grant to  such  city  to  be  delivered  to  such  board  of transportation the right to  connect such railroad with and to operate within the city over any track  of a railroad already constructed or  in  process  of  construction  and  which  right in the opinion of the board of transportation it is for the  interest of the public  and  the  city  to  acquire  for  rapid  transit  purposes  in  lieu  of  constructing  such  branch,  extension  or  such  additional lines.  The grant shall contain such terms and conditions  as  to  the compensation to be paid for such right, the term during which it  shall be enjoyed,  which  with  any  renewal  shall  not  be  more  than  twenty-five years, and such other terms and conditions to effectuate the  purpose  of  the grant, including the right of revocation upon terms and  conditions to be specified in such grant, as the board of transportation  shall deem best suited to the public interest and the board of  estimate  and the mayor shall approve.