59-G - Permanent housing for homeless families fund.

§ 59-g. Permanent housing for homeless families fund. The agency shall  create  and  establish  a  special  fund  to  be known as the "permanent  housing for homeless families fund" and shall pay  into  such  fund  any  moneys  which  may  be  made available to the agency for the purposes of  such  fund  from  any  source,  including  but  not  limited  to  moneys  appropriated  by  and  made  available  pursuant to appropriation by the  state and moneys made available by  cities  with  a  population  of  one  million  or  more and any income or interest earned by, or increment to,  the fund due to the investment thereof. The moneys held in  or  credited  to  the fund shall be expended solely to carry out the provisions of and  to pay expenses associated with article three-A of this chapter.