51-A - Federal rental assistance program administrative fees.

§  51-a.  Federal  rental  assistance program administrative fees. All  administrative fee monies  received  by  the  agency  from  the  federal  government pursuant to section eight of the United States housing act of  1937,  as  amended  by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974  and subsequent amendments, shall be allocated according to the following  schedule:    1.  ninety  percent  of  such  fees  shall   be   allocated   to   the  not-for-profit  corporations  or  local  government  agencies  providing  services under such section eight;    2. ten percent of such fees shall be retained by the state and  unless  otherwise  allocated pursuant to an agreement between the agency and the  division of housing and community renewal:    (a) ninety-five percent of such  amount  shall  be  allocated  to  the  division of housing and community renewal; and    (b) five percent shall be retained by the agency.