47-A - State university construction bonds and notes.

§   47-a.   State   university   construction   bonds  and  notes.  1.  Definitions.   For the purposes  of  section  forty-seven  and  of  this  section:    a.  "State  university facility" shall mean a classroom, lecture hall,  library, laboratory or other academic building, or any structure  on  or  improvement  to  real  property  of  any  kind or description, including  fixtures and equipment which are an integral part of any such  building,  structure  or  improvement,  a  walkway or roadway, and improvements and  connections for water, sewer, gas, electrical, telephone,  heating,  air  conditioning  and other utility services at a state-operated institution  or statutory or contract college under the  jurisdiction  of  the  state  university  of  New  York,  and  shall  include  a  housing  unit or any  emergency temporary housing, with  necessary  and  usual  attendant  and  related  facilities  and equipment, for the use of students, faculty and  staff, and their families,  at  such  an  institution  or  statutory  or  contract college.    b.   "State  university  construction  bonds"  and  "state  university  construction notes" shall mean bonds and notes respectively,  issued  by  the agency pursuant to subdivision two of this section.    2. Additional powers of the agency.    a. The agency shall have power to cause state university facilities to  be  constructed,  acquired,  reconstructed, rehabilitated or improved on  any real property leased or made available by the  state  university  of  New  York,  or  any  state-operated institution or statutory or contract  college under the jurisdiction of the  state  university  of  New  York,  under  an  agreement with the state university construction fund created  by section three  hundred  seventy-one  of  the  education  law  and  in  connection  therewith  may  authorize  the state university construction  fund to act as its agent for the  purpose  of  constructing,  acquiring,  reconstructing,   rehabilitating  or  improving  such  state  university  facilities.    b. The agency shall have power and is hereby authorized from  time  to  time  to  issue negotiable bonds and notes in conformity with applicable  provisions of the uniform commercial code in such principal  amount  as,  in  the  opinion  of  the  agency, shall be necessary, after taking into  account other monies which may be available for the purpose, to  provide  sufficient  funds  for  the  construction,  acquisition, reconstruction,  rehabilitation or improvement of state university facilities pursuant to  the preceding paragraph of this subdivision, the payment of interest  on  state  university  construction  bonds and state university construction  notes issued for such purposes, the establishment of reserves to  secure  such  bonds and notes, and all other expenditures of the agency incident  to and necessary or convenient for any such  construction,  acquisition,  reconstruction,  rehabilitation  or improvement; provided, however, that  the agency shall not issue state university construction bonds and state  university construction notes in an aggregate principal amount exceeding  three billion dollars, excluding state university construction bonds and  state university construction notes issued to refund  outstanding  state  university construction bonds or state university construction notes. In  no  event, however, shall the agency issue state university construction  bonds  or  state  university  construction  notes  after  August  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-eight,  except  state  university construction  bonds  or  state  university  construction  notes   issued   to   refund  outstanding  state  university  construction  bonds  or state university  construction  notes;  provided,  however,  that  only  state  university  construction  bonds to be issued to refund state university construction  bonds may be issued after August first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-eight.  Such  bonds  shall  be excluded from such limitation as to the aggregateprincipal amount  of  state  university  construction  bonds  and  state  university construction notes if the present value of the aggregate debt  service  on the refunding bonds does not exceed the present value of the  aggregate  debt  service  on  the  bonds  refunded thereby. For purposes  hereof, the present value of the aggregate debt service of the refunding  bonds and the aggregate debt service of the  bonds  refunded,  shall  be  calculated  by  utilizing the true interest cost of the refunding bonds,  which shall be that rate arrived at by doubling the semi-annual interest  rate (compounded semi-annually) necessary to discount the  debt  service  payments  on  the  refunding bonds from the payment dates thereof to the  date of issue of the refunding  bonds  to  the  purchase  price  of  the  refunding  bonds,  including interest accrued thereon prior the issuance  thereof.    3. Application of other provisions of article.  Except  as  stated  in  section forty-seven, the other provisions of this article shall apply to  state  university  construction  bonds and state university construction  notes issued by the agency pursuant to this section, provided,  however,  that such bonds and notes, subject to any agreements with the holders of  particular bonds or notes pledging any specified portions thereof, shall  be secured by a pledge to the payment thereof of (i) rentals paid to the  agency  with  respect  to  state university facilities financed with the  proceeds of such bonds and notes, and (ii) any other assets,  monies  or  accounts  pledged  or assigned to the agency as security for the payment  of such rentals, and provided further that no resolution or  resolutions  authorizing  state  university  construction  bonds and state university  construction notes shall (i) pledge all or any  part  of  the  fees  and  charges made or received by the agency pursuant to subdivision eleven of  section  forty-four  in  connection with the making of mortgage loans or  commitments therefor, or all or any  part  of  the  monies  received  in  payment  of such mortgage loans and interest thereon, or (ii) pledge all  or any part of the mortgages of the agency or obligations  securing  the  same, or (iii) provide as to the use and disposition of the gross income  from  mortgages owned by the agency or as to the payment of principal of  mortgages owned by the agency, or (iv) pledge all or  any  part  of  the  rentals  paid  to the agency under leases, subleases or other agreements  for health facilities or mental hygiene facilities entered into  by  the  agency  in  accordance with this article, or (v) pledge or assign all or  any part of any other assets, monies or accounts pledged or assigned  to  the  agency  as  security  for  the  payment  of rentals for such health  facilities or mental hygiene facilities.    4. Repayment fund. The agency shall create  and  establish  a  special  fund  (herein  referred to as state university repayment fund) and shall  pay into such fund any monies which the agency shall receive in  payment  of  rentals  due  under  one  or  more  lease  agreements referred to in  subdivision three of this section. Such monies and any other monies paid  into the state university repayment fund may, in the discretion  of  the  agency  but  subject  to agreements with the holders of state university  construction bonds and state university construction notes, be  used  by  the  agency (a) for the repayment of advances, if any, from the state to  the agency in connection with state university facilities in  accordance  with  the  provisions of repayment agreements between the agency and the  director of the budget, (b) to pay all costs, expenses  and  charges  of  financing  the construction, acquisition, reconstruction, rehabilitation  or improvement of state  university  facilities  on  any  real  property  leased  or  made  available to the agency by the state university of New  York, including fees and expenses of trustees and paying agents and  the  reasonable  costs  of  services performed by the commissioner of housing  and division of housing in respect thereof, and (c) for the  payment  ofthe  principal of and interest on state university construction bonds or  state university construction notes issued by the agency when  the  same  shall  become  due whether at maturity or on call for redemption and for  the  payment  of  any  redemption premium required to be paid where such  bonds or notes are redeemed prior to their  stated  maturities,  and  to  purchase   state  university  construction  bonds  or  state  university  construction notes issued by the agency.