1003 - Contracts with not-for-profit corporations for housing preservation and community renewal activities.

§   1003.  Contracts  with  not-for-profit  corporations  for  housing  preservation and community renewal activities. 1. The  commissioner  may  enter  into  contracts  with  corporations  incorporated pursuant to the  not-for-profit corporation law (or such  law  together  with  any  other  applicable   law)  for  the  performance  of  housing  preservation  and  community renewal activities within a region, subject to the  provisions  of this article.    2.  Prior  to  entering  into  a  contract  with  a  corporation,  the  commissioner shall have made a finding that  the  region  in  which  the  activities are proposed to be conducted contains a significant amount of  deteriorating  or  substandard  housing  which  is  not being adequately  repaired,  renovated,  upgraded,  modernized  or   rehabilitated   under  existing  programs  so  as  to  provide sound housing at costs which the  residents of such region can afford; that the corporation which proposes  to contract with the commissioner is  a  bona  fide  organization  which  shall  have  been  in  existence  either  as  a  corporation  or  as  an  unincorporated,  organized  group  and  performing  significant  housing  preservation and community renewal activities for at least one full year  prior  to  entering  into  any  contract with the commissioner and which  shall have demonstrated by its immediate  past  and  current  activities  that  it  has  the  ability  to  preserve,  repair,  maintain, renovate,  rehabilitate, manage or operate housing accommodations or to  engage  in  other  housing  preservation  and  community  renewal activities in such  region; that the housing preservation and community  renewal  activities  which  are  to be performed pursuant to the proposed contract are needed  by the region; and that the corporation possesses  or  will  acquire  or  gain access to the requisite staff, office facilities with direct access  to  such  region,  equipment  and  expertise to enable it to perform the  activities which it proposes to undertake  pursuant  to  such  contract;  provided,  however,  that  it  shall  not be a bar to the commissioner's  contracting with a corporation that one or more other organizations, are  conducting housing preservation and community renewal activities  wholly  or  partially within the same region whether or not pursuant to contract  with the commissioner.    3. The commissioner may enter into a contract pursuant to this section  only if he determines:    (a) that the region proposed to be  served  by  the  applicant  is  an  appropriate  portion  of the rural area of the state for the performance  of activities pursuant to this article by a corporation;    (b) that such region  contains  significant  unmet  housing  needs  of  persons  of  low  income,  that  a substantial portion of its population  consists of such persons, and that the  housing  stock  in  the  region,  because   of   its   age,  deterioration,  or  other  factors,  requires  improvement in order to preserve the communities within the region;    (c) that the particular activities to be performed by the  corporation  will  meet one or more needs of the region and are reasonably calculated  to have a positive effect on  regional  preservation,  stabilization  or  improvement;    (d)  that the corporation's officers, directors and members are fairly  representative of the residents and other legitimate  interests  of  the  region,  that  they  may  be  expected  to  carry  out the contract in a  responsible manner,  and  that  a  majority  of  the  directors  of  the  corporation are residents of the region;    (f)  that  any  fees  received  or  proposed  to  be  received  by the  corporation in connection with its activities pursuant to  the  contract  are fair and reasonable;(g) that the corporation will, to the extent possible, give preference  in   hiring   to   residents   of  the  region  who  are  unemployed  or  underemployed;    (h) that the corporation will, to the maximum extent feasible, dispose  of  residential buildings owned or to be acquired by it to the occupants  thereof or to  cooperative  groups  whose  members  shall  be  occupants  thereof; and    (i) that due consideration will be given to the interests of occupants  of properties owned or to be acquired by the corporation.    4. Contracts pursuant to this section shall be for a period of no more  than  one  year,  but  may be renewed or extended from year to year, and  shall provide for payment by the division of no more  than  one  hundred  thousand  dollars  per  year,  provided  that  in  any year in which the  aggregate sum of three hundred thousand dollars shall have been  reached  and all succeeding years, the annual contract amount shall be subject to  a  limit  of  ninety-seven  thousand five hundred dollars per year; they  shall define with particularity the region  or  portion  thereof  within  which the housing preservation and community renewal activities shall be  performed; they shall specify the nature of the housing preservation and  community  renewal  activities  which  shall  be performed including the  approximate number of buildings, residential dwelling  units  and  local  retail  and  service  establishments which shall be affected; they shall  locate and  describe,  with  as  much  particularity  as  is  reasonably  possible,  the  buildings with respect to which such activities shall be  performed during the contract term; and they shall specify the number of  persons, salaries or rates of compensation and a description  of  duties  of  those  who  shall  be  engaged  by  the  corporation  to perform the  activities embraced by the contract together with a  schedule  of  other  anticipated expenses.    5.  Prior to renewing or extending a contract or entering a succeeding  contract with a corporation the division shall determine that:    (a) the corporation shall have  substantially  completed  the  housing  preservation  and community renewal activities specified in the contract  to be renewed, extended, or succeeded;    (b) the corporation shall have received the sums, services, and  funds  specified  in  subdivision  four  of  section  one thousand four of this  article; and    (c) the activities carried out by  the  corporation  pursuant  to  its  contract shall have had a significant impact on the community's needs as  specified in the contract.    6.  Prior to terminating, not renewing or not extending a contract the  division shall:    (a) determine that the corporation is in violation of  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  contract  or  that  funds  provided pursuant to the  contract are being expended in a manner not consistent with the terms of  the contract or the provisions of this article; or    (b) determine that necessary and appropriate technical assistance  has  been  provided  without significant improvement in the activities of the  corporation; and    (c) provide the corporation with written notice, at  least  forty-five  days in advance, of its intent to terminate, not renew or not extend the  contract  and  provide the corporation with an opportunity to appear and  be heard before the division  with  respect  to  the  reasons  for  such  proposed  termination,  non-renewal  or  non-extension. At the same time  that the corporation is notified of the division's intent to  terminate,  not renew or not extend the contract, the division shall likewise inform  the  senate  and  assembly  members  who  represent  areas  within  such  corporation's geographic boundaries.7. The division shall establish, for renewal of contracts, a procedure  which provides the corporation with at least forty-five days  notice  of  the  corporation's  obligations  and rights in that process, informs the  corporation of the amount of the renewal contract, and  facilitates  the  timely execution of the contract and disbursement of funds.    8. The division may temporarily withhold payments and may elect not to  renew  or  extend  a  contract  or  enter a succeeding contract with any  not-for-profit corporation if the corporation is not in compliance  with  its  contract,  has  without  good  cause failed to submit documentation  required under contract  or  requested  by  the  division  to  make  the  determinations  required  under  subdivision five of this section or has  not satisfied any other conditions  consistent  with  this  article  for  renewing or extending a contract or entering a succeeding contract.