906 - Technical services and assistance to neighborhood preservation companies.

§  906. Technical services and assistance to neighborhood preservation  companies.  1.  The  division  is  hereby  authorized   to   render   to  neighborhood   preservation   companies   such  technical  services  and  assistance as it may possess or as may be available to it to enable such  companies to comply with the intent and provisions of this article.  The  division  is further authorized to take all steps necessary to encourage  the formation, organization and growth of new neighborhood  preservation  companies.  The  division  may  also,  from  funds  appropriated for the  purposes of this article,  contract  with  municipal  and  other  public  agencies  and  with  private  persons,  firms  and  corporations for the  provision of such technical services and assistance which  may  include:  preparation and submission of proposals for entering into contracts with  the  commissioner;  preparation and submission of reports required under  such contracts or  regulations  issued  by  the  commissioner;  internal  organization  and management of the neighborhood preservation companies;  recruitment and training of personnel of the  neighborhood  preservation  companies;  preparation of plans and projects, negotiation of agreements  and compliance with  requirements  of  programs  in  which  neighborhood  preservation  companies  may  become  engaged  in  the  course  of their  neighborhood preservation activities;  and  other  technical  advice  or  assistance  relating  to  the  performance  or rendition of neighborhood  preservation activities.    2.  The  affordable  housing  corporation,  the  housing  trust   fund  corporation  or  their  designee  as  the  case may be, shall provide an  incentive grant to each company that is awarded a contract  pursuant  to  article eighteen or nineteen of this chapter. Such incentive grant shall  consist  of  the  payment  of  an additional sum of money equal to three  percent of the amount payable to such company pursuant to each  contract  provided,  however,  that such payment  shall not be counted against the  per dwelling unit total imposed by subdivision  one  of  section  eleven  hundred  two of this chapter or the per dwelling unit limitation imposed  by subdivision one of section eleven hundred twelve of this chapter, and  provided further that such additional  amount  shall  not  exceed  forty  thousand  dollars  per  contract. Such incentive grant shall be utilized  either for purposes consistent with the provisions of  this  article  or  for  the  cost  of  neighborhood preservation activities related to such  contract and shall not be subject to the limitation  on  the  amount  of  funds  which  may be received by companies contained in subdivision four  of section nine hundred three of  this  article.  Such  incentive  grant  shall  be  added  to  and  considered  a  payment under the contract for  purposes of allocating funds to any single municipality.