603 - Pending actions or proceedings.

§  603.  Pending  actions  or  proceedings.  This  chapter or anything  therein contained shall not affect or abate  any  actions,  proceedings,  civil  or  criminal,  pending  at  the time when this chapter shall take  effect, brought by, for or against the  state,  the  state  division  of  housing,  any municipality, limited-profit housing company, the New York  state housing  finance  agency,  limited-dividend  housing  corporation,  redevelopment  company,  urban  redevelopment  corporation  or  mortgage  facilities corporation, under or in pursuance of the provisions  of  the  laws  repealed  by this chapter; but all such actions or proceedings may  be continued, prosecuted, conducted and completed as if such  laws  were  not repealed but continued to be fully effective.