705 - Research grants.

§  705.  Research  grants.  1.  Upon  approval  of  a  proposal by the  committee, it shall then enter into a contractual relationship with  the  applicant for the research grant within the limit of the funds available  therefor and subject to the following limitations:    a.  All  grants  so  provided  shall  be  used  for the direct cost of  approved projects and shall not be  used  to  supplant  funds  otherwise  available  to  the  applicant  or  to  the  institution with which he is  affiliated, or for the general cost recoveries which are rightfully  the  prior obligation of the institution to which the research grant is made.    b.  No  funds  shall  be expended for the acquisition, construction or  renovation of capital facilities without specific prior written approval  by the committee.    c. Payments shall be made upon certified  vouchers  submitted  to  the  committee, prepared in a format satisfactory to the committee.    2.  Copies  of  grant contracts shall be furnished to the state racing  and wagering board, and each of the funds named in section seven hundred  three of this article.