329 - Penalties.

§  329.  Penalties.    1.  The  failure  of  any  witness,  when  duly  subpoenaed, to attend, give testimony or produce other evidence shall be  punishable by the supreme court in the same manner as  such  failure  is  punishable by such court in a case therein pending.    2. Any person who shall fail to file any affidavit as required by this  article  shall  be guilty of an offense punishable by fine not to exceed  one thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding  one  year  or  both.  Except  as  provided  otherwise  by  law, such an offense shall not be a  crime and the penalty or punishment imposed therefor shall not be deemed  for any purpose a penal or criminal penalty or punishment, and shall not  impose any disability upon or affect or  impair  the  credibility  as  a  witness, or otherwise, of any person convicted thereof.    3.  Any person who shall wilfully make or file any false or fraudulent  report, statement, affidavit or application required by this article  to  be  made or filed under oath, or who, having been sworn or affirmed as a  witness in any hearing as provided for in this article,  shall  wilfully  give false testimony, shall be guilty of perjury.