1107 - Powers and duties of compact committee.

§ 1107. Powers  and duties of compact committee. The compact committee  is hereby granted, to carry out its purposes, the power and duty:    a. to determine which categories of participants in live racing,  such  as  owners,  trainers,  jockeys,  drivers, grooms, mutuel clerks, racing  officials, veterinarians, farriers, or others, shall be licensed by  the  compact  committee, and to establish the term, initial requirements, and  renewal requirements for each license category. With regard to obtaining  and weighing criminal history record information on each applicant,  and  all  non-arbitrary  other  licensure requirements, the compact committee  shall adopt licensure requirements comparable, in its judgment,  to  the  most restrictive party state's requirements for such a license;    b.  to investigate license applicants and, as permitted by federal and  state law, to gather information,  including  criminal  history  records  from  the  federal  bureau  of  investigation and from state, local, and  foreign country law enforcement agencies (including the  Royal  Canadian  Mounted  Police),  necessary  to  decide  whether an applicant meets its  license requirements. Such criminal history record  information  may  be  received  and  reviewed  only by the officials on, and employees of, the  compact committee, and  that  information  may  be  used  only  for  the  purposes  of  this compact. No such official or employee may disclose or  disseminate such criminal history record information to  any  person  or  entity  other  than  another  official  on,  or employee of, the compact  committee. The compact committee, its employees, or its  designee  shall  take  the  fingerprints  of each license applicant and, pursuant to P.L.  92-544  or  P.L.  100-413,  forward  the   fingerprints   to   a   state  identification   bureau,   the   Association  of  Racing  Commissioners,  International (an association of state officials regulating  pari-mutuel  wagering,  designated  by the attorney general of the United States), or  another entity with an equivalent designation,  for  submission  to  the  federal  bureau  of  investigation  or  other  receiving law enforcement  agency;    c. to issue and renew licenses for participants in live racing who are  found by the compact committee to have  met  its  licensure  or  renewal  requirements.  The  compact  committee  shall  not  have  the  power  or  authority to deny a license. If it determines that an applicant will not  be eligible, the compact committee shall notify the  applicant  that  it  will  not be able to process his or her licensure or renewal application  any further. That notification shall not constitute, and  shall  not  be  considered to be, the denial of a license. Although such applicant shall  have  the  right  to  present  further  evidence  and to be heard by the  compact committee, after receiving such notification, the final decision  on issuance or renewal of his or  her  license  shall  be  made  by  the  compact committee pursuant to its established requirements;    d.  to  enter into contracts and agreements with governmental agencies  and other persons to provide personal services for its  activities,  and  such other services as may be necessary;    e. to create, appoint, and abolish all those offices, employments, and  positions  (including  an  executive  director)  useful  to  fulfill its  purposes; to prescribe their powers, duties, and qualifications; to hire  persons therefor; and  to  provide  for  their  term,  tenure,  removal,  compensation,  and  fringe and retirement benefits, and other conditions  of employment;    f. to borrow, accept, and contract for the services of personnel  from  any  state,  federal,  or  other  governmental agency, or from any other  person or entity;    g. to acquire, hold, and dispose of any real or personal  property  by  gift, purchase, lease, license, and similar means;h. to charge and collect a fee, whether for licensure or renewal, from  each license applicant; and    i.   to   receive   additional   funds   through  gifts,  grants,  and  appropriations.