119-B - Protection of underground facilities.

§ 119-b. Protection  of  underground  facilities.   1. As used in this  section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:    a. "Person" means any individual, firm,  corporation,  association  or  partnership,   cooperative   association,  joint  venture,  joint  stock  association, business  trust,  their  lessees,  trustees  or  receivers,  governmental unit or public authority whether or not incorporated.    b.  "Excavation"  means  an  operation  for the purpose of movement or  removal of earth, rock or other materials in or on the ground by use  of  mechanized  equipment  or  by blasting, and includes, but is not limited  to,  auguring,  backfilling,  boring,  drilling,  grading,  plowing  in,  pulling  in,  trenching  and  tunneling;  provided,  however,  that  the  movement of earth by tools manipulated only by human or animal power and  the tilling of soil  for  agricultural  purposes  shall  not  be  deemed  excavation.    c.  "Demolition"  means  the  wrecking,  razing,  rending,  moving  or  removing of any structure.    d. "Underground facilities" means pipelines, conduits, ducts,  cables,  wires,  manholes,  vaults or other such facilities or their attachments,  which have been installed underground by an operator to provide services  or materials. Such term shall not include oil  and  gas  production  and  gathering  pipeline  systems  used  primarily  to  collect  oil  or  gas  production from wells.    e. "Excavator" means a person who is engaged in a  trade  or  business  which  includes  the carrying out of excavation or demolition; provided,  however, that an individual employed by  an  excavator,  and  having  no  supervisory  authority,  other  than the routine direction of employees,  over an excavation or demolition, shall not himself or herself be deemed  an excavator for  the  purposes  of  this  article.  In  construing  and  enforcing  the  provisions  of  this article, the act of any employee or  agent of any excavator acting within the scope of his  or  her  official  duties or employment shall be deemed to be the act of such excavator.    f.  "Operator"  means a person who operates an underground facility or  facilities to furnish  any  of  the  following  services  or  materials:  electricity,  gases,  steam,  liquid  petroleum  products,  telephone or  telegraph communications,  cable  television,  sewage  removal,  traffic  control systems, or water.    g.  "Damages"  means  an  impact  upon  or  removal of support from an  underground facility  consequent  to  excavation  or  demolition  which,  according  to the operating practices of the operator, would necessitate  repair of such facility, destruction of any underground facility or  its  protective  coating, housing or other protective device, and impact with  or severance of an underground facility.    h. "One-call notification system" means an  organization  among  whose  purposes  is  establishing  and  carrying out procedures and programs to  protect  underground  facilities  from  damage  due  to  excavation  and  demolition, including but not limited to, receiving notices of intent to  perform  excavation  and demolition, and transmitting the notices to one  or more of  its  member  operators  of  underground  facilities  in  the  specified area.    2.  The  commission shall adopt rules and regulations to implement and  carry out the requirements of article thirty-six of the general business  law established for the protection  of  underground  facilities.    Such  rules and regulations shall include, but not be limited to, requirements  for notice, one-call notification systems, participation of operators in  such  systems,  designation  and  marking of the location of underground  facilities and the verification of the designated or marked location  of  underground   facilities,   support   for   underground  facilities  and  obligations of excavators to protect underground facilities  under  sucharticle,  including  the  use  of  hand-dug  test  holes  at underground  facilities furnishing gas or liquid petroleum products  and  such  other  matters  as  may  be  appropriate  for  the  protection  and security of  property, life or public health, safety or welfare.    3.  Such  rules  and  regulations  relating  to  one-call notification  systems  shall  establish  qualifications  for  the  operation  of  such  systems.    4. The rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this section shall be  in  accordance  with the provisions of article thirty-six of the general  business law.    5. Any person operating a one-call system in the state shall  register  with  and obtain certification from the commission. The commission shall  have the power to grant, amend,  or  revoke  certificates  of  any  such  system.  Any  one-call  system  engaged  in  business  on  or before the  effective  date  of  this  subdivision,  after  registration  with   the  commission,  shall  be  registered, certified and authorized to continue  its business operations.    6. The commission shall have power, through  the  inspectors  or  duly  authorized   employees   of  the  department,  to  examine  and  inspect  excavation and demolition methods used by any person within fifteen feet  in any direction of any underground pipeline used for conveying  natural  gas  or  of any underground telephone, electric, steam or water facility  used for providing service and to order compliance  with  the  standards  for  excavation  and demolition near underground facilities contained in  regulations adopted by the commission to implement  and  carry  out  the  requirements   of   article  thirty-six  of  the  general  business  law  established for the protection of underground facilities.    7. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of  this  chapter,  the  enforcement   procedure   for  rules  and  regulations  adopted  by  the  commission shall be as follows:    a. any violation of any provisions of such rules and regulations is  a  violation  of  the  provisions  of  article  thirty-six  of  the general  business law and the attorney general may bring and prosecute an  action  to  recover  penalties for such violations as provided in paragraph c of  subdivision one of section seven hundred sixty-five of such law;    b.  any  penalties,  fines  and  financial  liability  resulting  from  violations  of  such  rules  and regulations shall be those specified in  section seven hundred sixty-five of the general business law.    8. In the event a violation of such rules and regulations  occurs  and  such  violation  is  subject  to  a  civil  penalty  pursuant to article  thirty-six of the general business law, the commission  shall  determine  the   amount   of   the  penalty  after  consideration  of  the  nature,  circumstances and gravity of the violation, history of prior violations,  effect on public health, safety or welfare, and such  other  matters  as  may  be  required  and  shall  send  a  copy of its determination to the  excavator, operator, commissioner of labor and  attorney  general.  Upon  receipt  of  such  determination,  the  attorney general may commence an  action to recover such penalty.