89-D - Inspection of meters.
§ 89-d. Inspection of meters. 1. The commission shall appoint inspectors of water meters whose duty it shall be, when required by the commission, to inspect, examine, prove and ascertain the accuracy of any and all water meters used or intended to be used for measuring or ascertaining the quantity of water furnished by any water-works corporation to or for the use of any person or corporation, and to inspect, examine and ascertain the accuracy of all apparatus for testing and proving the accuracy of water meters, and, when found to be or made to be correct, the inspector shall stamp or mark all such meters and apparatus with some suitable device, which device shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of state. No water-works corporation shall furnish, set or put in use any water meter the type of which shall not have been approved by the commission. 2. Every water-works corporation shall provide, repair and maintain such suitable premises and apparatus and facilities as may be required and approved by the commission for testing and proving the accuracy of water meters furnished for use by it, and by which apparatus every meter may be tested. 3. If any consumer to whom a meter has been furnished shall request the commission in writing to inspect such meter, the commission shall have the same inspected and tested; provided, however, that repeated inspections and tests shall not be mandatory. 4. The commission shall prescribe such rules and regulations to carry into effect the provisions of this section as it may deem necessary.