4903 - Utilization review determinations.

§ 4903. Utilization review determinations. 1. Utilization review shall  be conducted by:    (a)  Administrative personnel trained in the principles and procedures  of  intake  screening  and  data  collection,  provided,  however,  that  administrative  personnel  shall  only  perform  intake  screening, data  collection and non-clinical review functions and shall be supervised  by  a licensed health care professional;    (b)  A  health  care  professional who is appropriately trained in the  principles, procedures and standards of such utilization  review  agent;  provided, however, that a health care professional who is not a clinical  peer reviewer may not render an adverse determination; and    (c)  A  clinical  peer  reviewer  where the review involves an adverse  determination.    2.  A  utilization  review  agent  shall  make  a  utilization  review  determination    involving    health   care   services   which   require  pre-authorization and provide notice of a determination to the  enrollee  or  enrollee's  designee  and  the  enrollee's  health  care provider by  telephone and in writing within three business days of  receipt  of  the  necessary information.    3.  A  utilization  review  agent shall make a determination involving  continued or extended health care services, additional services  for  an  enrollee  undergoing  a  course  of  continued treatment prescribed by a  health  care  provider,  or  home  health  care  services  following  an  inpatient   hospital   admission,  and  shall  provide  notice  of  such  determination to the enrollee or the enrollee's designee, which  may  be  satisfied by notice to the enrollee's health care provider, by telephone  and  in  writing  within  one  business  day of receipt of the necessary  information except, with respect to home health care services  following  an  inpatient hospital admission, within seventy-two hours of receipt of  the necessary information when the day subsequent to the  request  falls  on  a weekend or holiday. Notification of continued or extended services  shall include the number of extended services approved, the new total of  approved services, the date of onset of services  and  the  next  review  date.  Provided  that  a  request  for home health care services and all  necessary information is submitted to the utilization review agent prior  to discharge from an  inpatient  hospital  admission  pursuant  to  this  subdivision,  a utilization review agent shall not deny, on the basis of  medical necessity or lack of  prior  authorization,  coverage  for  home  health  care  services  while  a determination by the utilization review  agent is pending.    4.  A  utilization  review  agent  shall  make  a  utilization  review  determination  involving  health care services which have been delivered  within thirty days of receipt of the necessary information.    5. Notice of an adverse determination made  by  a  utilization  review  agent shall be in writing and must include:    (a)   the   reasons  for  the  determination  including  the  clinical  rationale, if any;    (b) instructions on how to initiate  standard  and  expedited  appeals  pursuant  to  section  forty-nine  hundred  four  and an external appeal  pursuant to section forty-nine hundred fourteen of this article; and    (c) notice of the availability, upon request of the enrollee,  or  the  enrollee's designee, of the clinical review criteria relied upon to make  such  determination.  Such  notice  shall  also  specify  what,  if any,  additional necessary information must be provided to,  or  obtained  by,  the  utilization  review  agent  in  order  to  render a decision on the  appeal.    6. In the event that a utilization review  agent  renders  an  adverse  determination  without  attempting  to  discuss  such  matter  with  theenrollee's health care provider who specifically recommended the  health  care  service,  procedure  or  treatment  under review, such health care  provider shall have the opportunity to request a reconsideration of  the  adverse  determination.  Except  in cases of retrospective reviews, such  reconsideration shall occur within one business day of  receipt  of  the  request  and  shall  be conducted by the enrollee's health care provider  and the clinical peer reviewer making the  initial  determination  or  a  designated clinical peer reviewer if the original clinical peer reviewer  cannot  be  available.  In  the  event that the adverse determination is  upheld after reconsideration, the utilization review agent shall provide  notice as required pursuant to subdivision five of this section. Nothing  in this section shall preclude the enrollee from  initiating  an  appeal  from an adverse determination.    7.  Failure  by  the  utilization review agent to make a determination  within the time periods prescribed in this section shall be deemed to be  an adverse determination subject to appeal  pursuant  to  section  forty  nine hundred four of this title.