4900 - Definitions.

§ 4900. Definitions. For purposes of this article:    1.  "Adverse  determination"  means  a  determination by a utilization  review agent that an admission, extension of stay, or other health  care  service, upon review based on the information provided, is not medically  necessary.    2. "Clinical peer reviewer" means:    (a) for purposes of title one of this article:    (i)  a  physician  who  possesses  a  current and valid non-restricted  license to practice medicine; or    (ii) a health care professional other than a licensed physician who:    (A) where applicable, possesses a  current  and  valid  non-restricted  license,  certificate  or  registration  or,  where  no  provision for a  license, certificate or registration  exists,  is  credentialed  by  the  national accrediting body appropriate to the profession; and    (B)  is  in  the  same profession and same or similar specialty as the  health care provider who typically  manages  the  medical  condition  or  disease  or  provides the health care service or treatment under review;  and    (b) for purposes of title two of this article:    (i) a physician who:    (A) possesses a current and valid non-restricted license  to  practice  medicine;    (B) where applicable, is board certified or board eligible in the same  or  similar  specialty as the health care provider who typically manages  the medical condition or disease or provides the health care service  or  treatment under appeal;    (C)  has  been practicing in such area of specialty for a period of at  least five years; and    (D) is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment  under  appeal; or    (ii) a health care professional other than a licensed physician who:    (A)  where  applicable,  possesses  a current and valid non-restricted  license, certificate or registration;    (B) where applicable, is credentialed by the national accrediting body  appropriate to the profession in the same profession and same or similar  specialty as the health care provider who typically manages the  medical  condition  or  disease  or provides the health care service or treatment  under appeal;    (C) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period  of  at  least five years;    (D)  is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment under  appeal; and    (E) where applicable to  such  health  care  professional's  scope  of  practice, is clinically supported by a physician who possesses a current  and valid non-restricted license to practice medicine.    (c)    Nothing    herein    shall   be   construed   to   change   any  statutorily-defined scope of practice.    2-a. "Clinical standards" means those  guidelines  and  standards  set  forth  in  the  utilization  review plan by the utilization review agent  whose adverse determination is under appeal.    2-b. "Clinical trial" means a peer-reviewed study plan which has been    (a) reviewed and approved by a qualified institutional  review  board,  and    (b)  approved by one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or an  NIH  cooperative  group  or  an  NIH  center,  or  the  Food  and   Drug  Administration  in the form of an investigational new drug exemption, or  the  federal   Department   of   Veteran   Affairs,   or   a   qualified  nongovernmental  research  entity  as identified in guidelines issued byindividual NIH Institutes for center support grants, or an institutional  review board of a  facility  which  has  a  multiple  project  assurance  approved by the Office of Protection from Research Risks of the National  Institutes of Health.    As  used  in  this  subdivision,  the  term "cooperative groups" means  formal networks of facilities that collaborate on research projects  and  have  established  NIH-approved  peer  review  programs operating within  their groups; and that include, but are not  limited  to,  the  National  Cancer  Institute  (NCI)  Clinical Cooperative Groups, the NCI Community  Clinical Oncology  Program  (CCOP),  the  AIDS  Clinical  Trials  Groups  (ACTG),  and  the  Community  Programs  for  Clinical  Research  in AIDS  (CPCRA).    2-c. "Disabling condition or disease" means  a  condition  or  disease  which,  according  to  the current diagnosis of the enrollee's attending  physician, is  consistent  with  the  definition  of  "disabled  person"  pursuant  to subdivision five of section two hundred eight of the social  services law.    3. "Emergency condition" means a medical or behavioral condition,  the  onset  of  which  is  sudden,  that  manifests  itself  by  symptoms  of  sufficient severity, including severe pain, that  a  prudent  layperson,  possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, could reasonably  expect  the  absence  of  immediate  medical  attention to result in (a)  placing the health of  the  person  afflicted  with  such  condition  in  serious  jeopardy,  or in the case of a behavioral condition placing the  health of such  person  or  others  in  serious  jeopardy;  (b)  serious  impairment to such person's bodily functions; (c) serious dysfunction of  any bodily organ or part of such person; or (d) serious disfigurement of  such person.    4. "Enrollee" means a person subject to utilization review.    4-a. "Experimental and investigational treatment review plan" means:    (a)  a  description of the process for developing the written clinical  review criteria used in rendering an  experimental  and  investigational  treatment review determination; and    (b) a description of the qualifications and experience of the clinical  peers  who  developed  the  criteria,  who  are responsible for periodic  evaluation of the criteria, and who  use  the  written  clinical  review  criteria   in   the  process  of  reviewing  proposed  experimental  and  investigational health services and procedures.    4-b. "External appeal" means an appeal conducted by an external appeal  agent in accordance with the provisions of  section  forty-nine  hundred  fourteen of this article.    4-c.  "External  appeal  agent"  means  an  entity  certified  by  the  commissioner pursuant to  section  forty-nine  hundred  eleven  of  this  article.    4-d.  "Final  adverse  determination"  means  an adverse determination  which has been upheld by a utilization review agent with  respect  to  a  proposed  health  care  service  following  a  standard  appeal,  or  an  expedited  appeal  where  applicable,  pursuant  to  section  forty-nine  hundred four of this title.    4-e. "Health care plan" means any organization certified under article  forty-four of this chapter.    5.  (a)  For purposes of this title and for appeals requested pursuant  to paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section forty-nine hundred ten of  title two of this article, "health care service" means:    (i) health care procedures, treatments or services    (A) provided by a facility licensed pursuant to article  twenty-eight,  thirty-six,  forty-four  or  forty-seven  of this chapter or pursuant toarticle nineteen, twenty-three, thirty-one or thirty-two of  the  mental  hygiene law; or    (B) provided by a health care professional; and    (ii)  the  provision of pharmaceutical products or services or durable  medical equipment.    (b) For purposes of appeals requested pursuant  to  paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision  two  of section forty-nine hundred ten of title two of this  article,   "health   care   services"   shall   mean   experimental   or  investigational procedures, treatments or services, including:    (A) services provided within a clinical trial, and    (B) the provision of a pharmaceutical product pursuant to prescription  by  the  enrollee's  attending physician for a use other than those uses  for which such pharmaceutical product has been approved for marketing by  the federal Food and Drug Administration;  to the extent that coverage for such services are prohibited by law from  being excluded under the plan.    Provided that nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to define  what  are  covered  services  pursuant  to  a  subscriber  contract   or  governmental health benefit program.    6.   "Health  care  professional"  means  an  appropriately  licensed,  registered or certified health care professional pursuant to title eight  of the education law or a health care professional comparably  licensed,  registered or certified by another state.    7.  "Health  care  provider"  means  a  health  care professional or a  facility  licensed  pursuant  to  articles   twenty-eight,   thirty-six,  forty-four  or  forty-seven  of  this  chapter  or  a  facility licensed  pursuant to article nineteen, twenty-three, thirty-one or thirty-two  of  the mental hygiene law.    7-a.  "Life-threatening  condition  or  disease"  means a condition or  disease which, according to the  current  diagnosis  of  the  enrollee's  attending  physician,  has  a high probability of causing the enrollee's  death.    7-b. "Material familial  affiliation"  means  any  relationship  as  a  spouse, child, parent, sibling, spouse's parent, spouse's child, child's  parent, child's spouse, or sibling's spouse.    7-c.  "Material financial affiliation" means any financial interest of  more than five percent of total annual revenue or total annual income of  an external appeal agent or officer, director,  or  management  employee  thereof;  or  clinical  peer  reviewer  employed  or  engaged thereby to  conduct any external appeal. The term "material  financial  affiliation"  shall  not  include  revenue  received from a health care plan by (a) an  external appeal agent to conduct an external appeal pursuant to  section  forty-nine  hundred  fourteen  of  title  two  of this article, or (b) a  clinical peer reviewer for health services rendered to enrollees.    7-d. "Material professional affiliation" means  any  physician-patient  relationship,  any partnership or employment relationship, a shareholder  or similar ownership interest in  a  professional  corporation,  or  any  independent contractor arrangement that constitutes a material financial  affiliation   with  any  expert  or  any  officer  or  director  of  the  independent organization.    7-e. "Medical and scientific evidence" means the following sources:    (a) peer-reviewed scientific studies published  in,  or  accepted  for  publication   by,  medical  journals  that  meet  nationally  recognized  requirements for scientific manuscripts and that submit  most  of  their  published  articles  for  review  by  experts  who  are  not part of the  editorial staff;    (b) peer-reviewed medical literature, including literature relating to  therapies reviewed and approved  by  a  qualified  institutional  reviewboard,  biomedical  compendia and other medical literature that meet the  criteria of the National  Institute  of  Health's  National  Library  of  Medicine  for  indexing  in Index Medicus, Excerpta Medicus, Medline and  MEDLARS database Health Services Technology Assessment Research;    (c) peer-reviewed abstracts accepted for presentation at major medical  association meetings;    (d)   peer-reviewed  literature  shall  not  include  publications  or  supplements to publications sponsored  to  a  significant  extent  by  a  pharmaceutical manufacturing company or medical device manufacturer;    (e)  medical  journals recognized by the secretary of Health and Human  Services, under section 1861 (t)(2) of the federal Social Security Act;    (f) the following standard reference compendia:    (i) the American Hospital Formulary Service - Drug Information;    (ii) the American Medical Association Drug Evaluation;    (iii) the American Dental Association  Accepted  Dental  Therapeutics;  and    (iv) the United States Pharmacopeia - Drug Information;    (g)  findings, studies, or research conducted by or under the auspices  of  federal  government  agencies  and  nationally  recognized   federal  research  institutes including the federal Agency for Health Care Policy  and Research, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer  Institute,  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  Health  Care Financing Administration,  Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, and  any  national  board  recognized  by  the  National  Institutes  of  Health for the purpose of  evaluating the medical value of health services.    7-f.  "Out-of-network  denial"  means  a  denial  of  a  request   for  pre-authorization  to  receive  a  particular  health  service  from  an  out-of-network provider on the basis  that  such  out-of-network  health  service  is  not  materially different than the health service available  in-network. The notice  of  an  out-of-network  denial  provided  to  an  enrollee  shall  include  information  explaining  what  information the  enrollee must submit  in  order  to  appeal  the  out-of-network  denial  pursuant to subdivision one-a of section four thousand nine hundred four  of  this  article.  An out-of-network denial under this subdivision does  not constitute an adverse determination  as  defined  in  this  article.  Notwithstanding   any   other   provision   of   this   subdivision,  an  out-of-network denial shall not be construed to include a denial  for  a  referral  to  an out-of-network provider on the basis that a health care  provider is  available  in-network  to  provide  the  particular  health  service requested by the enrollee.    7-g. "Rare disease" means a life threatening or disabling condition or  disease that (1)(A) is currently or has been subject to a research study  by  the  National  Institutes  of Health Rare Diseases Clinical Research  Network or (B) affects fewer than two  hundred  thousand  United  States  residents  per  year,  and (2) for which there does not exist a standard  health service or procedure covered by the health care plan that is more  clinically beneficial than the requested health service or treatment.  A  physician,  other  than the enrollee's treating physician, shall certify  in writing that the condition is a  rare  disease  as  defined  in  this  subsection.    The   certifying   physician   shall   be   a   licensed,  board-certified or board-eligible physician who specializes in the  area  of  practice  appropriate  to  treat  the  enrollee's  rare disease. The  certification shall provide either: (1) that the insured's rare  disease  is  currently  or  has  been subject to a research study by the National  Institutes of Health Rare Diseases Clinical  Research  Network;  or  (2)  that  the insured's rare disease affects fewer than two hundred thousand  United States residents  per  year.  The  certification  shall  rely  on  medical  and scientific evidence to support the requested health serviceor procedure, if such evidence exists, and  shall  include  a  statement  that, based on the physician's credible experience, there is no standard  treatment  that  is  likely  to  be  more  clinically  beneficial to the  enrollee  than  the  requested  health  service  or  procedure  and  the  requested health service or procedure is likely to benefit the  enrollee  in the treatment of the enrollee's rare disease and that such benefit to  the  enrollee  outweighs  the risks of such health service or procedure.  The certifying  physician  shall  disclose  any  material  financial  or  professional  relationship  with  the  provider  of the requested health  service or procedure as part of the application for external  appeal  of  denial  of  a  rare disease treatment. If the provision of the requested  health service or procedure at a health  care  facility  requires  prior  approval  of  an  institutional  review board, an enrollee or enrollee's  designee shall also submit such approval as part of the external  appeal  application.    8.  "Utilization  review" means the review to determine whether health  care services that  have  been  provided,  are  being  provided  or  are  proposed  to  be  provided  to  a  patient, whether undertaken prior to,  concurrent with or subsequent to  the  delivery  of  such  services  are  medically  necessary.  For  the  purposes  of  this  article none of the  following shall be considered utilization review:    (a) Denials based on failure to obtain health  care  services  from  a  designated  or  approved  health  care  provider  as  required  under  a  subscriber's contract;    (b) Where  any  determination  is  rendered  pursuant  to  subdivision  three-a of section twenty-eight hundred seven-c of this chapter;    (c)  The  review  of  the  appropriateness  of  the  application  of a  particular coding to a patient, including the  assignment  of  diagnosis  and procedure;    (d)  Any  issues relating to the determination of the amount or extent  of payment other than determinations to deny payment based on an adverse  determination; and    (e) Any determination of any coverage issues other than whether health  care services are or were medically necessary.    9. "Utilization review agent" means any company, organization or other  entity performing utilization review, except:    (a) an agency of the federal government;    (b) an agent acting on behalf of the federal government, but  only  to  the  extent  that  the  agent  is  providing  services  to  the  federal  government;    (c) an agent acting on behalf of the state and  local  government  for  services  provided  pursuant to title XIX of the federal social security  act;    (d)  a  hospital's  internal  quality  assurance  program  except   if  associated with a health care financing mechanism; or    (e)  any  insurer  subject to article thirty-two or forty-three of the  insurance law and any independent utilization  review  agent  performing  utilization  review  under  a contract with such insurer, which shall be  subject to article forty-nine of the insurance law.    10. "Utilization review plan" means:    (a) a description of the process for developing the  written  clinical  review criteria;    (b)  a  description of the types of written clinical information which  the plan might consider  in  its  clinical  review,  including  but  not  limited to, a set of specific written clinical review criteria;    (c)  a  description  of  practice  guidelines  and standards used by a  utilization review agent in carrying  out  a  determination  of  medical  necessity;(d)  the procedures for scheduled review and evaluation of the written  clinical review criteria; and    (e)  a  description of the qualifications and experience of the health  care professionals who developed the criteria, who are  responsible  for  periodic evaluation of the criteria and of the health care professionals  or others who use the written clinical review criteria in the process of  utilization review.