4602 - Continuing care retirement community council; powers and duties.

§  4602.  Continuing  care  retirement  community  council; powers and  duties.  1. The continuing care retirement community council  is  hereby  established,  to  consist  of  the  following,  or  their designees: the  attorney general; the commissioner; the superintendent of insurance; the  director of the office for the aging; and eight public members appointed  by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate.  Such  public  members  shall  be representative of the public, and have a demonstrated  expertise  or  interest  in  continuing  care  retirement   communities;  provided  that  no  more than one such member shall be a sponsor, owner,  operator, manager, member of a board of directors, or shareholder  of  a  continuing  care retirement community. At least two public members shall  be residents of a continuing care retirement community. At least one  of  the  public  members  shall  be a representative of an organization with  demonstrated  experience  in  representing  the  interests   of   senior  citizens.  The  public  members of the council shall have fixed terms of  four years. The council shall be chaired by the commissioner or  his  or  her designee.    Members  of  such  council  shall serve without compensation for their  services as members of the council, except that  each  of  them  may  be  allowed  the  necessary  and actual expenses which he shall incur in the  performance of his duties under this article.    2. The council shall meet as often  as  may  be  deemed  necessary  to  fulfill  its  responsibilities, but in no event less than four times per  year. The council shall have the following powers and duties:    a. to approve or  reject  applications  to  obtain  a  certificate  of  authority  for  the  establishment  and  operation  of a continuing care  retirement community.  In  reviewing  applications,  the  council  shall  consider   the   extent   to  which  the  applications  reflect  various  sponsorships, organizational structures, geographic dispersion, and  the  public  benefit.  In  determining  the  public  benefit  of  a community  requiring construction of a total  nursing  facility  component  greater  than  or equal to ninety beds, the council shall obtain and consider the  recommendation of the state hospital review and  planning  council  with  regard  to  the  effect  of  the construction of the community's nursing  facility beds upon existing facilities in the same geographic area;    b. to require the reporting of  such  facts  and  information  as  the  council may deem necessary to enforce the provisions of this article;    c.  to coordinate the oversight of operating communities and to assign  review and regulatory responsibility  for  particular  aspects  of  such  communities  to  the  appropriate  agencies, consistent with their legal  authority, to assure consistent state supervision without duplication of  inspection or regulatory review;    d. to make such recommendations to the governor and the legislature as  may be necessary to encourage or further  regulate  the  development  of  continuing care retirement communities;    e. to establish and charge equitable and reasonable annual charges for  operators,  not  to  exceed  fifty  dollars per approved living unit, to  subsidize, in part, expenditures incurred in reviewing applications  for  certificates of authority and in inspecting, regulating, supervising and  auditing continuing care retirement communities;    f.  to  review  reports  from the participating agencies regarding the  operations and financial management of approved  communities,  including  any  reports regarding the financial condition of any community that may  be in need of close supervision and any reports of deficiencies  in  the  provision of health or social services to residents of any community;    g. to adopt rules and regulations and amendments thereto to effectuate  the provisions of this article;h.  to  revoke,  suspend,  limit,  or annul a certificate of authority  under conditions set forth in section forty-six hundred fifteen of  this  article,  including when such action is taken at the specific request of  any participating council agency. When action  has  been  taken  by  the  commissioner  pursuant to subdivision seven of section forty-six hundred  three of this article, the council shall  meet  as  soon  as  reasonably  possible  to  approve  or  disapprove the action of the commissioner and  shall take such further action as may be appropriate;    i.  to  develop  guidelines  for  applications  for  certificates   of  authority;    j.  to  make  a  final  determination  regarding  an  application  for  authorization to enter into priority reservation  agreements  where  the  commissioner has proposed to reject such application;    k.  to  require  the  reporting  of  such facts and information as the  council may deem  necessary  to  determine  whether  characteristics  of  residential  health  care demonstration facilities such as comprehensive  systems of residential and support  services  for  the  elderly  may  be  successfully  incorporated  into  existing  or  approved continuing care  retirement communities;    l. to review and approve or reject  applications  by  continuing  care  retirement  community  operators  to  use  entrance  fees  to assist the  operator in  financing  the  construction  or  purchase  of  a  proposed  continuing  care  retirement community in accordance with paragraph b of  subdivision six of section forty-six hundred ten of this article; and    m.  to  review  and  approve  or  reject  any  proposed  financing  by  industrial   development   agencies   of   continuing   care  retirement  communities pursuant to article eighteen-A of the general municipal  law  as authorized by section forty-six hundred four-a of this article.    3.   The   council   shall   establish   guidelines  under  which  the  commissioner, with the advice  and  consent  of  the  superintendent  of  insurance,  is authorized to approve or reject any proposed refinancing,  if the council has already approved an application pursuant to paragraph  a of subdivision two of this section.