Title 2 - (4209 - 4222) AUTOPSY AND DISSECTION
- 4209 - Autopsies; right to perform.
- 4209-A - Procedure for obtaining identification by persons opposed to the dissection or autopsy of their bodies upon their death.
- 4210 - Cadavers; right to dissect.
- 4210-A - Unlawful dissection of the body of a human being.
- 4210-B - Certain unauthorized autopsies.
- 4210-C - Limitations to dissection or autopsy.
- 4211 - Cadavers; unclaimed; delivery to schools for study.
- 4212 - Cadavers; unclaimed; delivery to schools; procedure.
- 4213 - Cadavers; delivery to relatives or friends.
- 4214 - Cadavers; autopsy by order of hospital authorities.
- 4215 - Cadavers; burial after autopsy and dissection.
- 4216 - Body stealing.
- 4217 - Receiving stolen body of a human being.
- 4218 - Opening graves.
- 4219 - Arresting or attaching a dead body of a human being.
- 4220 - Disturbing funerals.
- 4221 - Removal of eyes and/or parts thereof after death.
- 4222 - Removal of corneal tissue for transplant and pituitary gland tissue for the extraction of growth hormone.