Title 3 - (4130 - 4138-D) REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS
- 4130 - Births; registration.
- 4131 - Births; registration; foundlings.
- 4132 - Birth certificate; form and content.
- 4133 - Birth certificate; incomplete; duty of registrar.
- 4134 - Birth certificate; unnamed child.
- 4135 - Birth certificate; child born out of wedlock.
- 4135-A - Birth certificate; child born in prison.
- 4135-B - Voluntary acknowledgments of paternity; child born out of wedlock.
- 4136 - Birth certificate; statement as to blood test.
- 4137 - Births; notice of recording.
- 4138 - Birth certificate; new certificate in case of subsequent marriage of unwed parents; adoption; adjudication of parentage; change of name.
- 4138-A - Certificate of birth data.
- 4138-B - Birth certificate: foreign country adoption.
- 4138-C - Adoption information registry.
- 4138-D - Mutual consent voluntary adoption registry.