4124 - Vital statistics; registrars and subregistrars; compensation and expenses.

§  4124.  Vital statistics; registrars and subregistrars; compensation  and expenses. 1. Except as otherwise provided, each registrar  shall  be  paid:    (a)  the  sum  of  fifty cents for each birth certificate properly and  completely made out, registered and promptly  returned  by  him  to  the  commissioner as required by this article;    (b)  the  sum  of  fifty cents for each death certificate properly and  completely made out in accordance with the international  classification  of  diseases  and  returned  and filed with the registrar, and correctly  recorded and promptly returned by him to the commissioner,  as  required  by this article;    (c)  the sum of fifty cents for each burial, removal or transit permit  issued by him;    (d) the sum of fifty cents for each report of fetal death properly and  completely made out and filed with the registrar; and    (e) his actual and necessary expenses.    2. A village  clerk,  unless  the  charter  of  the  village  provides  otherwise,  or  a  town  clerk  serving as registrar of vital statistics  shall be entitled to the fees provided in this section. If a city clerk,  town  clerk  or  village  clerk  is  appointed  a  registrar  of   vital  statistics,  as  authorized  by  section forty-one hundred twenty-one of  this article, all fees collected by such registrar in the  discharge  of  his  duties shall be the property of the city, town or village and shall  be paid to the chief fiscal officer  of  such  city,  town  or  village,  provided,  however,  that  an  amount equivalent to the sum of such fees  shall be paid at least monthly by such chief fiscal officer to such city  clerk, town clerk or  village  clerk  entitled  to  receive  fees  as  a  registrar of vital statistics.    3. (a) In any city, town or village, the legislative body of the city,  town board or board of trustees may provide that the registrar be paid a  stipulated daily, monthly, or annual salary instead of the fees provided  for by this article.    (b)  If  a  stipulated  salary  is  fixed,  all  fees collected by the  registrar in the discharge of his duties shall be the  property  of  the  city,  town  or  village  and shall be paid to the chief fiscal officer,  supervisor or the village treasurer, as the case may be.    (c) In any city,  town  or  village  where  the  compensation  of  the  registrar  is  fixed  by the legislative body of the city, town board or  board of trustees at a stipulated salary, the provisions  herein  as  to  the payment of fees or as to the certification by the commissioner shall  not apply.    (d)  In any city, town or village, the registrar shall keep a true and  correct account of all fees received by him or her and report the amount  of such fees to the chief fiscal officer of such city, town  or  village  on an annual basis.    4.  In any case where a local health officer is appointed as registrar  of vital statistics he shall serve as such registrar without  additional  remuneration therefor.    5. In any case where a director or other person in charge of any state  hospital,  charitable  or  penal  institution  is  appointed  or acts as  registrar of vital statistics of such  registration  district  he  shall  serve as such registrar without additional remuneration therefor.    6.  All amounts payable to the local registrar under the provisions of  this  article  shall  be  paid  by  the  municipality   comprising   the  registration district, upon certification by the commissioner.    7. Remuneration and expenses of the registrars of districts which have  been  divided  into  two or more primary registration districts shall be  paid by the municipality comprising the original district.8. (a) Remuneration and expenses of registrars of  combined  districts  shall  be  paid  by  the  municipalities  comprising  such  districts in  proportion as each would be required to compensate a separate  registrar  for  its own district, except that when such combined districts coincide  with a consolidated health district the remuneration and expenses of the  registrar  shall  be  paid  by  the board of health of such consolidated  health district as provided by section three hundred ninety-nine of this  chapter.    (b)  In  any  combined  district,  the   governing   boards   of   the  municipalities  comprising  such  district;  or  in  a combined district  coinciding with a consolidated health  district,  the  board  of  health  thereof;  or in a district divided into two or more primary registration  districts, the  governing  board  of  the  municipality  comprising  the  original  district, may provide that the registrar or registrars therein  be paid a stipulated daily, monthly or annual  salary  instead  of  fees  provided for by this article.    (c)  If a salary is paid as provided in paragraph (b) of this section,  all fees collected by the registrar in the discharge of his duties shall  be the property of the municipality or municipalities involved  and  the  provisions  herein requiring the payment of fees to the registrar or the  certification by the commissioner shall not apply.    9. The commissioner shall certify annually  to  the  municipality  the  number  of  births  and deaths properly registered, with the name of the  local registrar and the amount due him at the rate fixed herein.    10. Except  as  otherwise  provided,  each  subregistrar  in  counties  designated  pursuant  to  this article as primary registration districts  shall be paid:    (a) the sum of fifty  cents  for  each  birth  and  death  certificate  properly  and  completely  made out and received, noted and forwarded to  the registrar of the district, as required by this article;    (b) the sum of fifty cents for each burial or removal permit issued by  him; and    (c) the sum of fifty cents for each report of fetal death properly and  completely made out and filed with the registrar.    11. (a) The board of supervisors of the county in which  such  primary  registration  district  is  located may provide that the subregistrar be  paid a stipulated daily, monthly or annual salary instead  of  the  fees  provided for by subdivision eleven of this section.    (b)  The  fees  specified  to  be paid subregistrars under subdivision  eleven or, in lieu thereof, the salary provided  for  by  the  board  of  supervisors  of  the  county  shall be paid by the county embracing such  primary registration district.