4121 - Vital statistics; registrar; qualifications and appointment.

§  4121.  Vital statistics; registrar; qualifications and appointment.  1. In each primary registration district there shall be a  registrar  of  vital statistics.    2.   Qualifications   of  registrars  of  vital  statistics  hereafter  appointed may be prescribed by the public health council, provided that:    (a) a local health  officer  shall  be  eligible  for  appointment  as  registrar of vital statistics; and,    (b)  no  licensed  and  registered  funeral  director,  undertaker  or  embalmer engaged or employed in the  business  or  practice  of  funeral  directing,  undertaking  or  embalming,  and  no other person engaged or  employed in the business of funeral directing, undertaking or  embalming  shall  be  eligible  for appointment as a registrar, deputy registrar or  sub-registrar of vital statistics.    3. (a) In towns and villages the  registrar  or  registrars  of  vital  statistics shall be appointed by the town board and by the village board  of  trustees  respectively;  a  local  town  clerk shall be eligible for  appointment as registrar of his town and of any  village  wholly  within  said  town  in  which  he  has  an  office, and a village clerk shall be  eligible for appointment as a registrar of his village and of  any  town  in which he resides.    (b) In the cities, unless otherwise provided by charter, the registrar  or registrars of vital statistics shall be appointed by the mayor.    (c)  In  each  primary  registration  district  consisting  of a state  hospital, charitable or penal institution, the registrar  shall  be  the  director  or  person  in  charge of such institution, provided, however,  that he shall receive no additional  remuneration  for  acting  as  such  registrar.    (d)  In  an  area  designated  as a county or part-county registration  district, the county commissioner of health or  public  health  director  shall  be  appointed  by  the  board of supervisors as registrar of such  county or part-county registration  district.  If  there  be  no  county  commissioner  of  health  or  public  health director, then the board of  supervisors, with the approval of the commissioner, shall designate  the  registrar.  When  such  appointment  is  made,  the  terms  of office of  registrars theretofore  appointed  within  such  county  or  part-county  registration   district   shall  thereupon  terminate,  and  the  county  commissioner of  health  or  public  health  director  or  registrar  so  designated  shall  be  the  registrar of the entire area embraced within  such county or part-county registration district.    4. When a district is divided into two or  more  primary  registration  districts,  the appointment of a registrar for each shall be made by the  same appointing authority  which  had  jurisdiction  over  the  original  district.    5.  (a)  When two or more primary registration districts are combined,  the registrar for such combined district shall be appointed by the board  or city council of those former primary  registration  districts  having  had  an  aggregate of one hundred or more births, deaths or fetal deaths  in each of the two preceding calendar years, and which theretofore  made  the appointment of registrars of the original districts, except that;    (b)  in  a  county  registration  district, the county commissioner of  health or public health director, or if there be no county  commissioner  of  health  or  public  health  director,  the  designee of the board of  supervisors of such county shall be appointed as registrar for the  area  of his jurisdiction as provided in paragraph (d) of subdivision three of  this section;    (c)  where  the  combined  primary  registration  districts  have each  registered less than an aggregate of one hundred births, deaths or fetal  deaths in each of the two preceding calendar years the registrar of  thecombined   districts,   or   of  the  districts  forming  a  part-county  registration district shall be appointed by the board of supervisors  of  such county.