Title 1 - (401 - 410) GENERAL PROVISIONS
- 401 - Land; purchase or acquisition.
- 403 - Hospitals; property; authority to acquire and to hold.
- 403-A - The New York state home for veterans and their dependents at Oxford.
- 403-B - The New York state home for veterans in the city of New York.
- 403-C - The New York state home for veterans in western New York.
- 403-D - The New York state home for veterans in the lower-Hudson Valley.
- 404 - Hospitals; property; authority to acquire and to hold.
- 405 - Hospitals; visitors and officers; oaths and bonds.
- 406 - Hospitals; refunds, waivers and compromises of bills.
- 407 - Hospitals; privileges to students.
- 408 - Hospitals; admission of patients; in general.
- 409 - Department of health income fund.
- 409-A - Department of health New York city veterans home income fund.
- 409-B - Distribution of surplus revenue.
- 409-C - Powers and duties of the commissioner; administrative and fiscal functions.
- 410 - Hospitals; reimbursement.