3064 - State trauma advisory committee.

§  3064. State trauma advisory committee. 1. There is hereby continued  in the department the state trauma advisory committee. It shall  consist  of  trauma  surgeons,  trauma  nurses,  emergency  physicians, emergency  nurses, and  other  emergency  medical  and  trauma  care  professionals  appointed  by  the  commissioner.  It  shall  be  representative of each  geographic area of the state and those medical and  nursing  specialties  and  subspecialties  regularly  involved in trauma care. It shall advise  the department and the commissioner regarding trauma and  disaster  care  within  the state, and assist the department and the commissioner in the  coordination of trauma and disaster care, including but not limited  to,  the   development,  periodic  revision,  and  application  of  statewide  appropriateness review standards,  quality  improvement  guidelines  for  trauma  and  disaster  care,  trauma  systems, trauma centers and trauma  stations, in a manner consistent  with  the  intent  and  provisions  of  sections  twenty-eight  hundred  five-j and three thousand two-a of this  chapter, and similar advisory guidelines for trauma  and  disaster  care  with the consent of the commissioner, which shall not have the force and  effect  of  law  unless  adopted  as  rules and regulations by the state  hospital review  and  planning  council,  subject  to  approval  by  the  commissioner.  The  commissioner  shall appoint a physician to chair the  committee.    2. The state trauma advisory  committee  shall  continue  to  meet  as  frequently  as its business may require. The members of the state trauma  advisory committee shall receive no compensation for their  services  as  members,  but  each  shall  be allowed the necessary and actual expenses  incurred in the performance of his or her duties under this section.    3. The commissioner shall designate an  officer  or  employee  of  the  department  to  assist  the  state  trauma  advisory  committee  in  the  performance of its duties under this section.    4. In no event shall any member, officer, or  employee  of  the  state  trauma  advisory committee be liable for damages in any civil action for  any act done, failure to  act,  or  statement  or  opinion  made,  while  discharging  his  or her duties as a member, officer, or employee of the  state trauma advisory committee if he or she shall have  acted  in  good  faith, with reasonable care.