347 - County or part-county boards of health; powers and duties; rules and regulations.

§  347.  County  or  part-county  boards of health; powers and duties;  rules and regulations. 1. Upon the establishment of a  board  of  health  for a county or part-county health district as provided in this article,  it  shall exercise all the powers and perform all duties of local boards  of health as provided in this chapter, and  such  board  of  health  may  formulate,  promulgate, adopt and publish rules, regulations, orders and  directions for the security of life and health in  the  health  district  which  shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and  the sanitary code. Such rules, regulations, orders and directions  shall  be known as the sanitary code of such district.    a.  Every  rule, regulation, order and direction adopted by a board of  health or a county officer or body exercising the rule-making  functions  of a board of health shall state the date on which it takes effect and a  copy  thereof  signed by the county health commissioner or his deputy or  such county officer  or  the  elective  or  appointive  chief  executive  officer  of  such  county body exercising the rule-making functions of a  board of health shall be filed as a public record in the department,  in  the  county or part-county department of health and in the office of the  county clerk and shall be published in  such  manner  as  the  board  of  health  or  such  county  officer  or  body  exercising  the rule-making  functions of a board of health may from time to time determine. No  such  rule,  regulation, order or direction shall be effective prior to filing  as a public record in the department.    b.  The  county  health  commissioner  or  his  deputy  shall  furnish  certified  copies  of  the  sanitary code of the health district and its  amendments for a fee of one dollar.    c. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to restrict  the  power  of  any  county,  city,  town or village to adopt and enforce additional  ordinances  or  enforce  existing  ordinances  relating  to  health  and  sanitation  provided  that such ordinances are not inconsistent with the  provisions of this chapter or the sanitary code.    2. The board of health of a county or part-county health  district  is  hereby  authorized to enter into contracts with one or more counties for  mutual aid in the delivery of health services, including but not limited  to public health emergency responses such as disease surveillance,  mass  immunization  programs,  mass  antibiotic  distribution, and handling of  mass casualties, provided approval of such contracts by the  legislative  body  of each county and of the commissioner is obtained. Each county or  part-county health district shall be liable for acts or omissions of its  employees or agents when acting pursuant to such a contract in the  same  manner  and  to  the  same  extent as if such acts or omissions occurred  within the county or part-county health district; and such employees  or  agents  shall have immunities and privileges for their acts or omissions  when acting pursuant to such a contract in the same manner  and  to  the  same  extent  as if such acts or omissions occurred within the county or  part-county health district; except that such a contract  may  apportion  liability  otherwise  between  or among the county or part-county health  districts.    3. Except as provided in the provisions of article thirteen-E of  this  chapter,  a  board  of health of a county health district shall exercise  all the powers and perform all duties relative  to  the  enforcement  of  article  thirteen-E  of  this  chapter pursuant to rules and regulations  promulgated by the commissioner.