2904-C - Regional nominating committees.

* §  2904-c.  Regional  nominating  committees.  1.  There  are hereby  created  eight  regional  nominating  committees.  The  eight   regional  nominating committees shall operate within defined geographic boundaries  consistent  with  the eight health systems agencies established pursuant  to section two thousand nine hundred four-b of this article.    2. Each nominating committee shall consist of eleven members who shall  be residents of each respective region  and  who  have  demonstrated  an  interest  in  regional health affairs. The members shall be appointed as  follows: five shall be appointed by the governor; two by  the  temporary  president  of the senate; two by the speaker of the assembly; one by the  minority leader of the senate; and one by the  minority  leader  of  the  assembly.  Two of the members initially appointed by the governor, shall  each serve  an  initial  term  ending  December  thirty-first,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight.  One  of  the  members initially appointed by the  temporary president of the senate  and  one  of  the  members  initially  appointed by the speaker of the assembly shall each serve for an initial  term  ending  December  thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety-eight. The  seven remaining  members,  shall  each  serve  an  initial  term  ending  December thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety-nine.    3.  The  members shall designate one of their number to serve as chair  for a period of two years or until his term of office expires, whichever  period is shorter. A vacancy occurring for any  reasons  other  than  by  expiration  of  term  shall  be filled by the appointing officer for the  remainder of the unexpired  term.  Six  members  of  a  committee  shall  constitute a quorum.    4.  A regional nominating committee shall approve members of the board  of directors to the health systems agency as submitted  by  such  health  systems  agency  pursuant  to section twenty-nine hundred four-b of this  article as members' terms expire or vacancies occur on or after  January  first,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-four.  Approval  for membership on the  board of directors of such agency shall require the concurrence  of  six  members  of  a  committee.  Nominations  submitted by the health systems  agencies to such nominating committee and subsequent approvals  of  such  nominations  to  the  health  systems  agencies shall be released to the  public by the committee at the time of such submission  or  approval.  A  regional  nominating committee shall take no longer than forty-five days  to approve or disapprove agency  board  of  director  nominations.  Such  approval  shall  be  in  writing,  and shall include the findings of the  committee relating  to  the  experience  and  aptitude  for  the  agency  position of each candidate. The committee shall notify the governor, the  temporary  president  of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly and  the commissioner concerning all approvals to the agencies including  the  aptitude and experience of the agency members.    5. Health systems agencies shall provide administrative support to the  respective regional nominating committee.    6.  The  committee  shall  undertake  such  other  activities  as  are  necessary to carry out their functions pursuant to this article.    * NB Expired June 30, 1996