2999-D - Commissioner's workgroup.

* §  2999-d.  Commissioner's  workgroup.  1.  The  commissioner shall,  within ninety days of the effective date  of  this  title,  convene  and  chair,  directly  or  through  a  designee  or  designees,  a  workgroup  including but not necessarily limited to  representatives  of  statewide  and  regional  health  care  provider  associations,  health  care  plan  associations and conferences, hospital representatives, consumers, labor  and   self-insured   employers.   The   commissioner   shall    consider  recommendations  and  criteria  developed  by  the  workgroup  in making  determinations under this title.    2. The  workgroup  shall  seek  consensus  on  clinical  measures  and  measurement criteria necessary and appropriate to achieve improvement in  quality  performance  by  providers  in delivering health care services;  further, it shall  develop  metrics  to  be  utilized  by  demonstration  projects  selected  pursuant to the provisions of this title which will,  when implemented:    (a) promote the use of  best  practices  through  the  development  of  broadly agreed upon evidence-based performance measures;    (b)  improve  care  coordination through the participation of multiple  stakeholders;    (c) institute long-term quality improvement;    (d) encourage appropriate utilization  of  health  care  services  and  improve  health  outcomes  through  the  use  of evidence-based medicine  practice guidelines; and    (e) promote self-management by consumers through the implementation of  patient-specific metrics and resource supports for consumers.    3. In its recommendations, the workgroup shall give  consideration  to  the  appropriate number of participants in each demonstration project as  well as the geographic boundaries of each demonstration project.    * NB Expires April 1, 2011