2995-D - Further study of other health care practitioner data.

§  2995-d.  Further  study of other health care practitioner data. The  department shall:    1.  Identify  the  classes  of  health  care  practitioners  licensed,  certified  or  registered  pursuant to title eight of the education law,  concerning  whom  it  would  be  feasible  and  useful  to  collect  and  disseminate  information  useful  for  making  determinations concerning  health care quality;    2. Investigate the types of  data  concerning  such  practitioners  to  which  the  public  has  access,  including  all information provided by  federal, state or local agencies,  and  the  applicable  data  reporting  requirements;    3.  Determine  which  data  concerning  such  practitioners  and which  methods of accessing such data, will be the most useful  and  convenient  for health care consumers;    4.  Study  the  feasibility  and  utility  of  providing  practitioner  profiles by means of the system commonly known as  the  Internet,  on  a  single website; and    5.  Provide  a  report of its findings to the governor and legislature  within eighteen months of the effective date of this section.