2995-C - Health care plan and preferred provider organization data.

§  2995-c.  Health care plan and preferred provider organization data.  1.  Collection. The department shall collect  for  dissemination  via  a  statewide  health information system, any health care plan and preferred  provider organization data collected for public  dissemination  pursuant  to  the  quality  assurance  reporting  requirements  developed  by  the  department  in  conjunction  with  the  national  committee  on  quality  assurance.    2.  Preparation  of  data  and  public  review.  The  department shall  thereafter prepare the collected health care plan and preferred provider  organization data for dissemination. The department shall  provide  each  health  care  plan  with  a  copy  of the health care plan and preferred  provider organization data to be disseminated concerning it. In a manner  and time required by the department,  the  health  care  plan  shall  be  provided  with  an  opportunity  to correct factual inaccuracies, and to  file a statement in a form prescribed by the department  concerning  the  data, which statement shall be disseminated with the data.    3.  Dissemination.  The  department  shall  thereafter disseminate the  collected health care plan and  preferred  provider  organization  data,  organized  and  segregated  by  type of product and type of organization  offering the product, with  corrections  and  statements,  if  any.  The  department  shall  share  preferred  provider organization data with the  superintendent of insurance.    (a)  Thereafter,  the  health  care  plan   and   preferred   provider  organization  data so disseminated shall be updated at regular intervals  to be determined by the committee.    (b) All health care plan  and  preferred  provider  organization  data  disseminated  shall include the following statement: "THE DATA COLLECTED  BY THE DEPARTMENT IS ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF THE  KNOWLEDGE  OF  MEMBERS  AND  STAFF,  BASED  ON  THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE HEALTH CARE PLAN  WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THE DATA."    (c) If the department determines that  any  data  to  be  disseminated  pursuant  to  this  section  is not useful for determinations concerning  health care quality, the department shall recommend to  the  legislature  the necessary statutory changes.