2971 - Interinstitutional transfers.

§  2971. Interinstitutional  transfers. If a patient for whom an order  not to resuscitate has been issued is transferred from a hospital  to  a  different  hospital  the  order  shall  remain effective, unless revoked  pursuant to this article, until the attending physician  first  examines  the transferred patient, whereupon the attending physician must either:    1.  Issue an order continuing the prior order not to resuscitate. Such  order may be issued without obtaining further consent from the  patient,  surrogate or parent pursuant to this article; or    2.  Cancel  the  order  not  to  resuscitate,  provided  the attending  physician immediately notifies the person who consented to the order and  the hospital staff directly responsible for the patient's  care  of  the  cancellation.  Such  cancellation  does  not preclude the entry of a new  order pursuant to this article.    3. For purposes of this section, an order not to resuscitate issued by  a general hospital as defined in subdivision ten of section twenty-eight  hundred one of this chapter, or by a residential health care facility as  defined in subdivision three of section twenty-eight hundred one of this  chapter, shall be deemed a hospital order not to resuscitate.