2803-J*2 - Nursing home nurse aide registry.

* §  2803-j. Nursing home nurse aide registry. 1. The department shall  develop and maintain, or cause to be developed and maintained,  a  nurse  aide  registry  of  individuals  who have successfully completed a nurse  aide training program approved by the commissioner or  the  commissioner  of  education  or  the  accrediting  body  of  other  states  or federal  authorities including the military, and a competency evaluation  program  approved  by  the commissioner. The department, or any entity with which  the department contracts, may charge a fee not  to  exceed  one  hundred  sixty-five  dollars,  adjusted  annually  to  reflect  increases  in the  consumer price index for the purposes  of  implementing  the  competency  evaluation  program  approved  by  the  commissioner and maintaining the  registry, as provided for in this section.    2. In accordance with federal law and regulation, no charges shall  be  imposed  on  a  nurse  aide for any costs for the nurse aide training or  competency evaluation program.    3. The nurse aide registry shall include, but not be limited  to,  the  following information:    (a)  Identification  of  individuals who have successfully completed a  nurse aide training and competency evaluation program, or a  nurse  aide  competency evaluation program;    (b)  Name,  address  (at time competency test was passed), and date of  birth, of individuals listed in the registry;    (c) Name and date of state approved training and competency evaluation  program successfully completed by an individual; and    (d) In accordance with the provisions of section twenty-eight  hundred  three-d  of  this  article,  findings  of  instances  of physical abuse,  mistreatment, neglect or misappropriation  of  resident  property  by  a  nurse  aide in a nursing home, and any brief statement by the nurse aide  disputing the findings.    4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article,  unless  otherwise  required  by  federal  law  or  regulation  as a condition of  federal aid, in which case such law or regulation shall  be  controlling  and  the  provisions  of  paragraph  a  of  subdivision seven of section  twenty-eight hundred seven of this article shall not apply, the cost  of  any  fee  charged  pursuant to subdivision one of this section paid by a  residential health care facility shall be included in rates  of  payment  determined  in  accordance with this article for such residential health  care facility based on estimated costs for a prospective rate period and  subsequently reconciled to actual expenses and statistics for such  rate  period by prospective adjustments of rates of payment.    * NB There are 2 § 2803-j's