Title 1 - (2500 - 2506) GENERAL PROVISIONS
- 2500 - Maternal and child health; duties of commissioner.
- 2500-A - Test for phenylketonuria and other diseases and conditions.
- 2500-B - Sudden infant death syndrome.
- 2500-C - Special programs with respect to diethylstilbestrol.
- 2500-D - New York state poison control network.
- 2500-E - Pregnant women, blood test for hepatitis B; follow-up care.
- 2500-F - Human immunodeficiency virus; testing of newborns.
- 2500-F-1 - Special program for HIV services for women and children, including adolescents.
- 2500-G - Newborn infant hearing screening.
- 2500-H - Statewide perinatal data system.
- 2500-H*2 - Anaphylactic policy for school districts.
- 2500-I - Child food choking prevention.
- 2500-J - Autism spectrum disorders; screening of children.
- 2501 - Health and welfare services to all children; duty of local boards.
- 2502 - Report of certain conditions.
- 2503 - Drug information to be furnished expectant mothers.
- 2504 - Enabling certain persons to consent for certain medical, dental, health and hospital services.
- 2505 - Human breast milk; collection, storage and distribution; general powers of the commissioner.
- 2505-A - Rights of breastfeeding mothers.
- 2506 - Obstetric and pediatric practitioner incentive demonstration program.