2401-B - Cancer incidence and environmental facility maps.

* § 2401-b.  Cancer  incidence and environmental facility maps. 1. For  purposes of this section, "environmental facility" shall have  the  same  meaning  as provided in section 3-0317 of the environmental conservation  law.    2. For purposes of this section, "cancer incidence  and  environmental  facility  maps  technical  advisory group" or "technical advisory group"  shall mean the environmental public health  tracking  program  technical  advisory   group   required  by  a  cooperative  agreement  between  the  department and the federal centers for disease control and prevention.    3. The technical advisory group  shall  make  recommendations  to  the  department  on  the  appropriate  use  and  communication  of the cancer  incidence and environmental facility maps.  Such  recommendations  shall  consider  the  scientific  strengths and limitations of such mapping and  overlay methodologies for cancer  tracking  and  geospatial  linking  to  significant   disease  risk  factors,  and  the  appropriate  means  for  communicating such strengths and limitation to the public in  an  easily  discernible manner. The department shall consider the recommendations of  the  technical  advisory  group  when  making  the maps required by this  section available to the public.    4.  The  department,  in   consultation   with   the   department   of  environmental  conservation  and  the  technical  advisory  group, shall  establish and maintain a computer mapping  system  for  plotting  cancer  incidence  and  environmental facilities throughout the state, including  but not limited to cancer clusters. Such maps shall overlay locations of  environmental facilities with cancer incidences.    5. Cancer incidence and environmental facility maps shall include data  on the incidence of the following cancer types:    (a) lung and bronchus;    (b) female breast;    (c) urinary bladder (including in situ);    (d) brain and other nervous system;    (e) colon and rectum;    (f) non-Hodgkin lymphomas;    (g) leukemias;    (h) thyroid;    (i) liver/intrahepatic bile duct;    (j) kidney and renal pelvis;    (k) prostate;    (l) oral cavity and pharynx;    (m) stomach;    (n) esophagus;    (o) larynx;    (p) pancreas;    (q) corpus uterus;    (r) ovary;    (s) testis;    (t) mesothelioma;    (u) bone;    (v) nasal and nasopharynx; and    (w) soft tissue sarcomas.    6. Plotting of data for cancer incidence  and  environmental  facility  maps shall be by census block, except in cases where such plotting could  disclose  the  identity  of any person to whom the data relate, in which  case census blocks shall be  aggregated  for  plotting  to  protect  the  identity  of  such  person.  When  such  aggregation  is  required,  the  department shall utilize the minimum number of census blocks practicable  to protect the identity of such person.7. By March first, two  thousand  eleven  the  department  shall  make  available  to  the  public  information  on  cancer as designated by the  environmental public health tracking program of the centers for  disease  control  and  prevention,  and,  in  consultation with the department of  environmental  conservation,  current  data  on  locations  and  type of  environmental facilities.    8. By June thirtieth, two thousand eleven the  department  shall  make  available to the public cancer incidence and environmental facility maps  which  show  available  information  on  the  location  of environmental  facilities and the total number of reported cancers by census block  and  associated data for each reported cancer type listed in subdivision five  of this section.    9.  The department shall make available to the public cancer incidence  and environmental facility maps in the manner described  in  subdivision  four  of  this section showing cancer clusters by cancer types. Prior to  plotting such data, the department shall use an appropriate  statistical  method  to  detect  statistical anomalies for the purpose of identifying  cancer clusters.    (a) The department shall make such maps available as follows:    (i) by June thirtieth, two thousand  twelve  cancer  types  listed  in  paragraphs (a) through (e) of subdivision five of this section;    (ii) by December thirty-first, two thousand twelve cancer types listed  in paragraphs (f) through (o) of subdivision five of this section; and    (iii)  by June thirtieth, two thousand thirteen cancer types listed in  paragraphs (p) through (w) of subdivision five of this section.    (b)  The  department,  in  consultation   with   the   department   of  environmental conservation, shall update the maps periodically.    (c) The department shall post these maps on its public website as soon  as  practicable  following  the dates set forth in paragraph (a) of this  subdivision.    * NB Repealed March 31, 2016