Title 1 - (2300 - 2312) CARE AND TREATMENT
- 2300 - Venereal disease; examination or isolation.
- 2301 - Venereal disease; proceedings to compel examination or isolation; confidential records.
- 2302 - Venereal disease; examination of person under arrest.
- 2303 - Venereal disease; treatment or isolation required.
- 2304 - Sexually transmissible diseases; treatment facilities; administration.
- 2305 - Sexually transmissible diseases; treatment by licensed physician or staff physician of a hospital; prescriptions.
- 2306 - Sexually transmissible diseases; reports and information, confidential.
- 2307 - Venereal disease; person knowing himself to be infected.
- 2308 - Venereal disease; pregnant women; blood test for syphilis.
- 2308-A - Sexually transmissible diseases; tests for sexually transmissible diseases.
- 2309 - Sexually transmissible diseases; violation; penalties.
- 2310 - Venereal disease; certain advertisements.
- 2311 - Sexually transmissible disease list.
- 2312 - Expedited partner therapy for chlamydia trachomatis infection.